Chapter 468: Request—!

For Marine's ranking higher than his own pirate group, Shanks has long been mentally prepared.

So there is not much surprise.

"But then again."

"The Marine is ultimately under the leadership of the World Government."

"Now that the golden list listed them separately, does it mean that you have actually planned to leave the World Government?"

Shanks looked at Garp and said with interest.

"Huh, why are you asking this, Kid?" Garp snorted coldly, "You might as well care about yourself than this."

"Maybe after the award is issued this time, our strength will increase a lot, compared to the Pirate Group of yours. "

Hearing that, Shanks shrugged and didn't pay much attention.

He thinks that perhaps the golden list will give excellent rewards, but it will never give outstanding rewards to everyone in rank.

There will be rewards that can quickly enhance a person's strength, but they will never be distributed to everyone in the rank.

"Unexpectedly, did it mention the Marine alone?" Kuzan, who was in the Trial Hall, touched his chin while deep in thought "In other words, the second place is the World Government."

"The New Marine is also strong, can't we occupy the second place?"

"Teacher Rifan, this time the golden list is not fair!"

Sadi-chan pouted and looked at the golden list with disgust.

Rifan patted Sadi on her head and laughed:

"Well, you have to believe in the golden list."

"Maybe we only have one place in the ranking, but our rewards will directly surpass the rewards obtained by the World Government and the old Marine together.

In this regard, Rifan, who has won the first place on the golden list many times, has confidence in his conjuncture.

"Teacher Rifan is right, I also think so too."

At this time, a gentle voice came from the door of the Trial Hall.

"It's you, Reiju, Lillymon."

"Is there anything going on?"

Rifan turned around and looked curiously at Reiju and Lillymon entering the Trial Hall.

Because of the relationship between Lillymon and MetalTyrannomon, the soldiers outside will not block Reiju.

This is also allowed by Rifan.

It's just that if you change to another person in Germa 66, that may not necessarily be the case.

"Although the old Marine and World Government seem to be two organizations."

"But the connection between these two organizations is actually not close."

"After all, how many Marines agree with the World Government from the bottom of their hearts?"

"I'm afraid not many people will rush to the World Government when they receive orders from them."

Reiju walked to Rifan's side with a smile, and continued:

"Your Excellency Rifan, congratulations, you have got two more formal disciples."

"Whether it is Sadi-chan or Kuzan-san, they are both Marine Admiral class combat power."

"I'm really curious about what level they will reach after receiving your formal training."

Rifan's mouth curled up, waved his hand, and said:

"Okay, you don't need to continue your compliment, just state your purpose."

"Did you rush for the quota of outer disciples?"

"As expected of His Excellency Rifan." Reiju smiled and nodded. "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you."

"I really hope that His Excellency Rifan can make me your outer disciple."

"Now, you should have two places for outer disciples—"

"No." Reiju looked at Perona on the side. "It should be said that there is only one place left.

"You are quite smart. You can find me so quickly..." Rifan shrugged,

"Smart woman, I don't hate it."

"I have rejected you once before, so I will promise you this time."

As soon as Rifan's voice fell, Lillymon flew up from Reiju's shoulder and came to Rifan.

"Thank you, Rifan, you are such a good person."

"Really?" Rifan twitched his mouth.

He would never have thought that one day he would be issued a good person card by a Digimon.

"But Lillymon…" Rifan looked up and down at the cute Digimon in front of him. "If you evolve into Rosemon, you should be even more beautiful."

"Huh! Rifan, do you want me to evolve into my Ultimate Body?!" Lillymon widened her eyes.

"Wait until Reiju becomes my official disciple." Rifan raised his hand and stroked Lillymon's little head. "At that time, you will be able to use the Epiphany Room and evolve into the ultimate body just like Angewomon and LadyDevimon."

"Ale, have they evolved into the ultimate body already?" Lillymon asked in surprised and puzzlement,

"But, I met them not long ago, and they are still the same as before."

"They just chose to maintain their current body. If they want to evolve into the ultimate body, they can evolve directly." Rifan laughed.

Angewomon and LadyDevimon, as Digimon who have directly signed a contract with Rifan himself, can use the Epiphany Room unconditionally.

Now that a long time has passed, the two have merged and evolved into the ultimate body.

With this kind of experience, it is now possible to evolve into a polar body, which is not surprising in Rifan's view.

"I'll just talk about it here.

"Reiju, come here, I will help you register as my outer disciple."