Chapter 470: Showtime!

"Lucci, it's the same as you said."

"When we attack Enies Lobby, the golden list will broadcast live on us."

Using the power of Devil Fruit, Jabra turned into a werewolf form and laughed and looked at Lucci.

Obviously, he was very happy to be able to make a noise in Enies Lobby while being broadcast all over the world.

"As long as you understand the rules of the golden list, you will guess this."

Lucci looked up and glanced at the golden list that was broadcasting live to them in the sky, his face full of coldness.

"What do you guys want to do?!"

"You dare to attack Enies Lobby, are you insane?!"

"The bastards that were driven away, you dared to come back!"

A group of World Government agents surrounded Kalifa and others and shouted sharply.

However, although they were very angry, anyone with a discerning eye could see the fear in their hearts at this moment.

No wonder, after all, only a few minutes since Kalifa and others appeared, hundreds of World Government agents have fallen around.

"Although we have been away for a while, you should know that you are not our opponents."

"Or, do you think these people who replace us can protect you?"

Blueno's sturdy body over two meters moved to the forefront, and his terrifying courage radiated out.

Although it's not long since they train under Rifan guidance, but as Rifan's outer disciples, Blueno and Lucci, who can endure hardships, have made great progress.

Any one of them will be able to flatten Enies Lobby within half an hour.

Several agents who had just become new agents of cp9 looked at each other, because of fear, they were a little afraid to move forward.

Blueno shook his head." Since you are not moving, let me attack."

After speaking, Blueno's eyes widened, and a terrifying murderous attack directed at the six agents in front of him.

Thinking that Blueno was about to launch an attack, the six agents immediately jumped into the air.

What they didn't notice was that the air behind them was opened like a door.

"Door-Door..." Blueno whispered, behind him there was a door exactly like the door behind the six agents.

Although the agent realized that something was wrong, it was too late.

They entered the space door behind them, and finally flew out of the space door behind Blueno.

"What happened!?" The agent's eyes widened.

"You guys are weak." Finger Pistol started, and Lucci's fingers passed over the hearts of several agents one by one.

The agents' eyes widened, they would never have thought that one day they would die at the hands of the wanted Lucci and others.

In the distance, Enies Lobby Supreme Chief's Office.

Spandam's hand holding the telescope shook, and his face was full of fear.

"How can this be!"

"Lucci and the others, why are they here?!"

"What are those Marines doing, why don't they come to support?!"

Upon learning that Lucci and others had come to Enies Lobby,

Spandam immediately asked the Marine for support.

However, even the nearest Marine branch is a certain distance from Enies Lobby.

In a short time, there will be no support to reach Enies Lobby.

"I will take part in the show too." Kalifa stretched her body and continued. "Such a good opportunity, it would be a shame not to let the world know about our relationship with Teacher Rifan."

Looking at the golden list that reflected her figure in the sky, Kalifa waved her hand happily.

It seems to be greeting someone.

However, in the eyes of the World Government and Marine, this is a complete provocation.

Kalifa slowly pulled out the Zanpakutō[Supernal Shark Empress] pinned to her waist, with a beautiful but dangerous smile on her face.

[Hawkeye Mihawk: That is the new type of Zanpakutō! ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurarararara! So that's the case, is this little girl also a disciple of Rifan?]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Hahaha, interesting, this should be the same type of Zanpakutō the girl Carrot have before. ]

Seeing the appearance of the Zanpakutō on Kalifa, everyone understood.

Sengoku, who had just given the order to send Marine Soldiers to the support of Enies Lobby, was silent.

Randomly, he picked up the den-den mushi silently and dialed the number of Marines who were sent to support.

"Destroy them, Shark Empress!"

As Kalifa commanded, a huge burst of spiritual power unfolded from Kalifa's body.

Unlike Carrot, who was too late to master spiritual power before, at this moment, Kalifa had a lot of spiritual power skin on her body.

Although it is not to the level of Arrancar in the original book, it is enough to deal with these Marines.

"Otto, let's stay away, I don't want to be involved in this one."

Jabra's feet leaped vigorously and came directly to a place a few meters away from Kalifa

Like him, Lucci and others also chose to leave temporarily.

The spiritual power was transformed into a stream of water, and the blade turned into a white armor covering Kalifa's body.

Then a white double-edged sword with a shark pattern appeared in Kalifa's hand.

=====To be Continue=====

If you want to be ahead of everyone, you can support me.


*Latest Chapters for $1 = Chapter 550

