Chapter 471: Im Order—!

[Red-haired Shanks: This form, this power to control the flow of water, the Supernal Shark Empress!? ]

[Revolutionary Army Dragon: It seems that the World Government will lose the Enies Lobby. ]

[Fire Fist Ace: Haha, I don't know if World Government and the old Marines will support Enies Lobby in this situation. ]

[Beast Kaido: It's not that I look down on them, but how can those cowards dare! Worororor~]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Kaido, when you faced Carrot before, didn't you also choose to run away? Mamamama~]

[Beast Kaido: Is it the same? At least I was forced to use a bottle of life potion after fighting.]

[Red-haired Shanks: Well, don't be sad. Kaido, don't you still have a resurrection ring? Although the resurrection makes you lose your power, you still have Eight Inner Gates, so there won't be any major problems. Hahaha~]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Speaking of which, Kaido, you used to come to me to seek death. There are so many beings that can kill you now, why don't you go hunting for death?]

In the New World waters, Kaido twitched his mouth fiercely.

He didn't expect Whitebeard to make fun of him with this.

"Asshole, Damn Whitebeard!"

"If I knew this world happened, I wouldn't speak on the gold list."

Kaido shook his head and set his sights on the golden list.

"Hmp, it's clearly an unwinnable battle."

"The soldiers of the World Government are still cowards as usual."

"However, the Zanpakutō used by Arrancar is really wild."

"I don't know if I can get one in the future."

Thinking of the Zanpakutō Hōzukimaru Whitebeard got, Kaido felt envious.

That is much better than Eight Inner Gates.

Not only is it powerful, the user will not fall into a desperate state after use.


"Asshole, asshole!"

"Rifan, I must kill this guy, I will definitely kill him!"

In the Elders office, a grumpy voice spread throughout Mariejois.

The agents responsible for guarding outside the door glanced at each other, and in the end they could only shrink their necks, as if nothing happened, they were quietly doing their essential work.

They knew what the Four Elders were angry about.

If usual, they may have automatically asked the Elders to solve problems.

It's just that when the opponent is Rifan, they don't have the courage to apply for the task.

"Hoh, hoh!" The curly beard elder took a deep breath, as he took his seat heavily.

"Did you calm down?" The blond elder glanced at him and ask caAgent

"How can I be calm?" The Curly Elder said as he glared at the blond elder, "Rifan is targeting us in the face in front of the World!"

"You saw it too, that Kalifa!"

"It's her who took out the people from the cp9 training base!"

"And seized the opportunity to become Rifan's disciple!"

"We could have arranged an experienced agent to try to become a disciple of Rifan—"

Before the curly-beard elder finished speaking, the blonde elder shook his head.

"It's useless, don't you understand it now?"

"It's impossible to plant an undercover agent on Rifan's side."

"Have you forgotten what terrible things that guy's eyes can do?"

Hearing the words of the blonde elder, curly beard elder was taken aback.

And a pair of blood-red eyes appeared in his mind.

"Sharingan!" the curly beard elder clenched his fists.

"The eyes that can see through people's hearts will not let our people get close to Rifan." The blonde elder sighed, "Being able to insert our eyeliner in Dressrosa is the biggest we can do."

"So we can forget about the Enies Lobby."

"There is no need to fight against Rifan for such an island."

"Now, what we have to do is to accumulate strength."

"Have you forgotten Im-sama's order?"

The curly beard elder looked shocked, remembering the previous order given by Im.

"Don't be an enemy of Rifan."

"If Rifan wants to take the site, let him take it."

"Try to eliminate his hostility towards us."

"Strive to build a good relationship with him."

"Before we can absolutely beat Rifan, you should treat Rifan as a noble person."

"Even, treat him as me."

Im's words are still vivid in his ears, and the curly beard elders shook his head and sighed in his heart.

When the World Government is slapped in the face, the only thing they can do is smile with gritted teeth.

Before Rifan appeared, it was something the Elders or the world could not even imagine to happen.

However, Rifan has such power to let everyone bow their head under his presence.

Whether it is the Four Emperors or their World Government.

At this moment, the curly beard elder suddenly felt that Rifan was Celestial Dragons.

And they were ordinary people who were beaten by Celestial Dragons, but had to greet him with smiles, and didn't dare to resist at all.

However, if Rifan discovers that the curly beard elder compared him to Celestial Dragons, Rifan's fist will undoubtedly be printed on his face.

=====To be Continue=====

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*Latest Chapters for $1 = Chapter 550

