Chapter 474: Predestined Devil Fruit user—

Enies Lobby.

After the system prompted Rifan, he moved the dojo in the cp9 training base to Enies Lobby.

In addition, to accept Enies Lobby, Rifan deliberately took Zephyr and Ain with him.

Of course, there are some new Marine soldiers.

"Yeah, it seems—"

Kalifa and others are discussing what the two Devil Fruits in Spandam's hands are when Rifan's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Teacher Rifan! " Kalifa looked over in surprise.

"Teacher Rifan." Lucci and Blueno nodded to Rifan.

Although their complexion was already calm, in their eyes, their worship to Rifan was clearly hidden.

That's right, not long ago, Kalifa was one of them.

In terms of strength, she can only be placed at the end of the original cp9 agent.

However, after Rifan's training, she was able to easily wash Enies Lobby.

Such combat power, how could it not make Lucci and other combat madmen feel eager?

Of course, the admiration of Rifan is also because after they received Rifan's training, they indeed gained a stronger strength.

"Zephyr and Senior Sister Ain are also here."

Seeing the two people behind Rifan, Kalifa smiled and nodded, which was regarded as a greeting.

Zephyr raised his eyebrows, not knowing why, he always felt that Kalifa just greeted him because of Ain.

Her sight was more focused on Ain's body.

But thinking of Kalifa's identity, Zephyr was relieved.

Ain and Kalifa are both formal disciples, and it is natural that they will be closer.

Not to mention, Rifan cared more about his formal disciples.

This is why the outer disciple wanted to squeeze their head and wanted to become an official disciple of Rifan.

Zephyr rubbed his mechanical arm, thinking of the previous challenge, his heart sighed.

'I'm old, even if I become Rifan's disciple. It's not easy to compete with these young people.'

Kalifa walked lightly, twisting her slender waist and walked to Rifan's side.

"Teacher Rifan, are you here to pick us up?"

"Yeah." Rifan nodded slightly, "Thanks to your actions, Enies Lobby is now also out of the world government."

"I brought Zephyr and Ain and some people from the new Marine to take over here."

"By the way, I will take you to Dressrosa for a period of training."

"Also, if you, the original cp9 agents, still want to work in Enies Lobby. After your training, you can come back."

Upon hearing this, Lucci and others nodded.

This kind of thing, they had already discussed before Rifan came.

Rifan's words happened to be close to their hearts.

"By the way, Teacher Rifan, this is for you, I hope you like it."

As if thinking of something, Kalifa took out the two captured Devil Fruits from behind and handed them to Rifan's eyes.

"Devil Fruit." Rifan picked up a Devil Fruit that was somewhat similar to a banana.

After thinking a little bit, Rifan threw this Devil Fruit to Kaku.

"Kaku, this is a giraffe devil fruit."

"If you don't mind becoming a devil fruit user, you can give it a try."

When the golden list was broadcasting Enies Lobby, Rifan had already confirmed these two Devil Fruits.

Zoan devil fruit giraffe model and bubble fruit.

For these two devil fruits, it's still fresh in Rifan memory.

Therefore, he recognized their names at a glance.

"A Zoan devil fruit huh?" Kaku tosses the Devil Fruit in his hand lightly. "Since it was given to me by Instructor Rifan, then I will eat it."

Without any hesitation, Kaku removed the banana peel and started to eat it.

Rifan did not go to see Kaku whose face changed a lot because he ate the unpalatable Devil Fruit.

Instead, he stuffed the bubble fruit back into Kalifa's hands.

"This is a bubble fruit, um, it is a Devil Fruit that is somewhat similar to Vice Admiral Tsuru's devil fruit."

"How should I say, it is a Devil Fruit that is very suitable for baths? "

"With the power of this fruit, you probably won't use soap anymore."

"Although I feel that with your ability, it is not necessary to eat Devil Fruit."

"But this fruit is predestined to you, so I will leave it to you."

Rifan smiled.

Kalifa blinked.

"Bubble Fruit?"

Kalifa murmured, and suddenly, as if she had thought of something, her eyes lit up.

A hint of blush appeared unconsciously on her face.

'Teacher Rifan wants me to eat this fruit.'

'Does he want me to use the fruit power to help him bathe?'

"Gulp!" Kalifa swallowed, and quietly glanced at Rifan who walked past her to Lucci and the others, explaining something.

'Since it's what Teacher Rifan gave me, I'll eat it.'

Kalifa thought in her heart, peeling the skin of the fruit, and biting it a bit.


=====To be Continue=====

If you want to be ahead of everyone, you can support me.


*Latest Chapters for $1 = Chapter 550

