Chapter 475: No. 18—

--[Authority List], 1st Place, Sun and Moon; leader, Rifan.

--The master of the dojo has the strongest power in the world and has taught many powerful people under his belt.

-–Under his name, disciples such as Nami, Nico Robin, Vivi, etc. are all powerful.

-–Sun and Moon dojo is not only powerful, but Rifan, the owner of the dojo, has the most advanced science and technology, and has manufactured war weapons such as the Mark series steel suits.

––Among them, there are war weapons comparable to Ancient Weapons.

––One of Rifan's proud works, Android No. 18 is even more powerful than ever. Her power can easily destroy the earth.

––Although the territory covered by the Sun and Moon dojo is small, its reputation has spread all over the world.

-Comprehensive strength, reputation, location and other factors, the Sun and Moon dojo hosted by Rifan is undoubtedly No. 1 in the[Authority List].

[Plague Queen: What, Rifan is still the greatest scientist! Wait, so he really did those Mark armors?!]

[Dark King Rayleigh: This is a little scary, Android? Can Rifan create such an existence?]

[Beast Kaido: I remember, this Android appeared in the demo of the golden list. Could it be that Rifan created this one because he saw her in the golden list?]

[Sengoku: Impossible, how is it possible?! Could it be said that Rifan can still use his own hands to pinch out an Emperor's combat power with technology?!]

[Admiral Kizaru: It's really scary, now, Kuzan, you're on Rifan's side. Could you tell me a little bit, my heartbeat beating very fast now. ]

[ Kuzan: Sorry, we are not in the same camp now, I can't do it. ]

Marine Sengoku et al., World Government, the Four Elders et al.

Their expressions were so gloomy to the limit.

Rifan can create weapons comparable to Ancient Weapon, and can create No. 18.

Such news reverberated in their hearts for a long time like a thunderstorm.

Because they understand what it means.

Vegapunk is known as the world's smartest scientist.

It is precisely because of his invention that the Marine and World Government have gained extremely powerful strength.

Now, it is determined that Rifan is smarter than Vegapunk and has more advanced science and technology.

Rifan can completely defeat them with advanced weapons without relying on his own strength.

'Sigh, so even Ancient Weapons are not a big deal to Rifan?"

A long sigh echoed in the central garden of Mariejois.

"That kid Rifan can still create such an existence, is it true?"

Garp raised his eyebrows and fixed his eyes on the golden list.

"Why, you don't you believe it?"

Suddenly, a cold voice rang behind Garp.

"Huh?" Garp condensed in his heart and quickly turned to look behind him.

"You are the one on the video?!"

Garp's eyes widened.

Not only Garp, but Whitebeard and others who were sitting not far from him looked at Numbers 18 with a ghostly expression.

No wonder, Garp, Whitebeard and others are the world's top powerhouses after all.

And their Observation Haki is superb.

However, the appearance of No. 18 completely surpassed their perception of Observation Haki.

If it weren't for them to turn around and look behind them, maybe they wouldn't find Number 18 behind them.

"Sigh, it's scary."

"Why does she feel as scary as Rifan?"

Sweat was drawn from the face of Shanks and others.


This is how Shanks et al. evaluated No. 18.

Although number 18 is petite, and just standing there.

Shanks and others felt as if there was a high mountain standing in front of them.

This kind of feeling, they used to only feel it in Rifan.

'Did Rifan… he really made a monster as strong as himself?!'

Shanks twitched his mouth, unconsciously a weird thought came up in his heart.

"...Hey, are you as strong as Rifan?"

Unlike Shanks, Garp went straight to ask the doubt in his mind.

"Hehe, how about it, do you feel the gap between you and sister No.18?"

Nami walked quickly to No. 18 and hugged her arm.

For number 18 appearance, Nami is in a good mood.

She always feels that if they want to be with Rifan, they probably need to pass Number 18 level.

"Let me tell you something, first, sisters 18, she is stronger than us formal disciples."

"Even Yamato, who wore the holy clothes, could only be taught a lesson by sisters 18.

Upon hearing Nami's words, Whitebeard and others had such an 'As expected' expression.

"I see you have some misunderstandings, so let me tell you." No. 18 looked at Whitebeard and others coldly. "With my power I can easily defeat you 4 combined."

So crazy!

Garp mouth twitched hearing it, but there was no rebuttal thought in his heart.

"But, compared with Rifan, my strength is far worse."

"Whether it is your old Marine or the World Government, you should be grateful."

"Rifan didn't send me to trouble you, otherwise, you would be finished."

"By the way, I heard that Celestial Dragons have great opinions on Rifan."

"Marine hero Garp, Marine alternate Admiral Gion, can you tell me if this is true?"

Garp: "..."

Gion: "...."

Whitebeard: "...."

Big Mom: "...."

Shanks: "😂"

=====To be Continue=====

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*Latest Chapters for $1 = Chapter 550

