Chapter 485: Marco the Immortal—!?

"Oyaji, I think it's Marco's ability."

Ace hurriedly reminded Whitebeard.

"Yes, isn't this Phoenix Saint Cloth resembling Marco?!"

Whitebeard clenched his fist with his right hand and knocked it on the palm of his left hand.

At this time, Whitebeard and others had already returned to Moby Dick.

And Roger is also chatting with his wife, telling each other about their thoughts.

"Marco, I will give this holy garment to you."

"Your resurrection ability is already strong. But with this saint's cloth, you can really be immortal, Gurarara~"

The Golden List had just delivered the holy cloth to Whitebeard, and he handed the holy cloth to Marco without hesitation.

"No, Oyaji, you should use this one!"

"It's enough for me to have my devil fruit ability."

"If you fight in holy cloth, no one will be your opponent."

Marco shook his head and said.

Although the saint cloth is precious, he cares more about his father's ability to surpass everyone.

Although Rifan is there, this wish is unlikely to be achieved.

But Marco felt that he had to at least make his father stronger than the other Four Emperors and the top powerhouses of the Marine and World government!

"Okay, Marco, just take the things."

Whitebeard slid the Saint Cloth directly into Marco's hand.

Seeing Marco still hesitated, Whitebeard continued:

"If I wear this saint's cloth, it might not be a good thing for me."

"Zanpakutō Hōzukimaru is already a very physical weapon for me…"

"If I continue to use the saint cloth, maybe it will be difficult for me to completely liberate my Zanpakutō in a fight."

"So don't refuse, put on the holy cloth, and use the flame that is higher than the temperature of magma. Gurarararara~."

Whitebeard laughed, and looked at the golden list.

I don't know why, Akainu, who is far away in the Marine G1 headquarters, always feels that Whitebeard is looking at himself.

A wave of nameless anger unconsciously rose from the bottom of his heart.

"....In this case, I will gladly accept it."

Since Whiteboard already had said it, Marco could no longer refuse.

According to the method Whitebeard said, Marco quickly concluded a contract with the Saint Cloth of the Phoenix.

With the saint cloth on his body, Marco immediately felt that he was surrounded by a mysterious power.

He closed his eyes, felt this power carefully, and then found the skill of inheritance in his mind.

Suddenly, Marco opened his eyes again, and a hot flame flashed through his eyes.


The scorching flames began to burn, and Marco stomped heavily on the Moby Dick deck.

His body instantly appeared at an altitude of hundreds of meters.

"Hōyoku Tenshō!" [Tl/n: Phoenix's Wings Rise in eng.]

The flame formed a huge phoenix behind Marco.

With a scream, the phoenix flew violently to the distance under the guidance of Marco, and finally slammed into the distant sea.

Through the rebroadcast of Marco by the Golden List, people can see clearly.

The flame phoenix easily overcomes the pressure of the sea and sinks continuously!

100 meters, 1000 meters, 10000 meters.

The seawater along the way evaporated, and it did not cause any impact on the flame phoenix.

In the end, the flame phoenix landed on the seabed at a depth of 10,000 meters!

The seabed burst, and a large amount of seawater was evaporated, which directly formed a vacuum area!

And the huge rocks, shipwrecks, and corals on the seabed were instantly burned out!

Seeing this scene, Akainu's heart sank.

'Can my magma be able to achieve this level?'

He asked these questions in his mind.

However, the answers he got made him even more unhappy.

Because even if he exerts his greatest strength, he can't do such a thing!

Doesn't this mean that Marco is better than him?!

At this moment, Akainu only felt that he was in a mess and wanted to burn something.


Suddenly, Marco fell onto the deck.

The sacred garment of the Phoenix came off his body automatically and reassembled in front of him.

"Marco, are you all right?"

Whitebeard knelt down and asked Marko anxiously.

The saint cloth was given to Marco by him.

Whitebeard didn't want to harm Marco.

"I'm okay."

"My body just has no strength after releasing that attack."

Marco spoke hard.

He wanted to stand up, but found that he couldn't even move a finger.

Apart from the eyes, the only movable body is his mouth.

By now, he completely believed in Whitebeard.

One such thing that consumes energy is enough.

If you put on two, ordinary people really can't stand it.

"So that's why." Whitebeard patted Marco on the back, hard hearing that he was alright.

"Gurarara~ Marco, what's wrong with you."

"You just use one attack and it already drains all your energy?"

"I can even survive in my Zanpakutō release form for a long time."

"Let me drink your wine from now on. It's time for training. Gurararara~"

Hearing this, Marco's mouth twitched and said:

"Oyaji, if you want to drink my share, just say it."

"You don't need to find such a reason."

When the words were over, the entire Moby Dick burst into loud laughter.

Everyone is laughing at Whitebeard and Marco antic!