Chapter 486: Third Place reward—!

[Bone Brook: Yohohoho~, it's a holy garment, it's amazing! ]

[Shemale Bentham: The sacred garment of Shiratori that Im got before is the power of ice, and now Whitebeard has the power of a sacred garment that can control flames. I don't know which one is stronger. ]

[Sabo: Just now the golden list has noted that the Phoenix Saint Cloth is the most special among the bronze Saint Cloths. In terms of strength, the Phoenix Saint Cloth should be stronger than the Shiratori Saint Cloth. ]

[Fire Fist Ace: Yes, the flame that Marco released just now, even me as Mera-mera devil fruit user feels hot! Such saint cloth is indeed a treasure!]

[Charlotte Katakuri: After all, it is a flame hotter than magma. I don't know if Marko has the power to defeat Akainu. ]

[Admiral Akainu: Hmph, it's just a skill, and there is no physical augmentation. Such a guy is not worthy to fight with me!]

[Flower Sword Vista: Hmp! Talk big while you can. Marco has just started to use it, and he's not familiar with the saint's cloth. But after he gets acquainted with its power, he can completely crush you. Magma? Ha! ]

"Calm down, Sakazuki."

"There is no need to have a message fight with them."

Feeling that the temperature around Akainu was gradually increasing,

Sengoku quickly persuaded him.

[Red-haired Shanks: When the saint cloth is worn on the body, it is not only used to release the phoenix-wing skyward trick just now. It can also provide stronger strength and defense to the wearer, maybe he can really defeat Akainu. Hahaha~]

Compared with the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, Shanks gave a much more objective evaluation.

And he also got the approval of many people.

Suddenly, more and more people on this sea felt that Marco already had the power to defeat Akainu.

Add Whitebeard who owns Hōzukimaru.

The prestige of the Whitebeard Pirate Group suddenly became higher!

[Admiral Akainu: Hmph, your happiness will definitely be short lived, because when our Marine rewards are released, see if you can still be happy. ]

[Flower Sword Vista: Huh? Are you a Marine? But if I remember correctly, the Marine is led by Ain and Zephyr right? Hahahaha~]

"Hahaha, Vista, you are so interesting."

"Unexpectedly, you would also be joking."

"Don't say it, your words are ridiculous enough. Hahahaha!"

"Thinking of Akainu and Sengoku expressions after seeing your message, made me laugh! Hahaha~"

On the Moby Dick, the ship was once again shrouded in laughter.

Mariejois, central garden.

Im coldly looked at the Whitebeard Pirates, to be precise, looked at Marco lying on the deck.

"Holy cloth, it's not that easy to use."

"The stronger the individual, the greater the power of the saint cloth; nevertheless, it is also more difficult to control."

"It seems that I have to use practical actions to let the world know this."


In the Marineford

"A group of pirates, wait until our Marine rewards are issued, and see if you can laugh."

"We Marine is third place in the Authority List. Our rewards definitely surpass theirs!"

"I hope that the golden list can give out some shocking rewards."

The Marines of the old faction keep their eyes on the gold list, looking forward to their own rewards.

"Anything is good, I just want to be able to live 50 more years."

"Sigh, I've been working for the Marines all my life, and I'm going to be in the soil in a few years. But now it gives me hope!"

This is the dovish old Marine.

There was a lot of discussion, and the reward that belonged to the old Marine finally came.

--[Authority List], 3rd Place, Old Marine; Congratulations to all the old Marines for getting rewards and having their lifespans increase by 50 years, and 30 points in addition to their system.

––Congratulations to Marine Marshal Sengoku for acquiring the Ancient Weapon-Pluton battleship.

––Ancient Weapon Pluton, a super warship built in the City of Water 7 in ancient times, and has the firepower to destroy an island.

--This warship is not the original Pluton, but a warship imitated by the golden list according to the Pluton blueprint, and its performance is the same as the original Pluton.


In an uproar, shocked!

Whether it's the old Marine who is rewarded, or the viewers watching the broadcast.

Everyone looked at the words displayed on the golden list incredible shocks and disbelief!

"M-Marshal Sengoku, am I dreaming?"

Kizaru looked at Sengoku in shock, but saw that his mouth was also open, as if he couldn't believe it.

The next moment, Sengoku suddenly fought and ran out of the office.

Just now, the sound of the golden list sounded in his ears.

And another screen appear beside the golden list following Sengoku's movement

People saw Sengoku running out of the office, out of the Marine Base, and finally on the coast.

There, except for the Marine warship that usually docks.

One more ship magically appears out of thin air!

It's a dark battleship!

"This is Pluton?!"

Sengoku's eyes widened.