Chapter 493: Holy War (Part 1)

MarineG1 headquarters.

The people in the marshal's office had serious expressions.

"Sigh, it's a problem." Marine Chief Staff Tsuru sighed deeply. "Unexpectedly, Rifan would choose to participate in the war. "

Although she doesn't know how Rifan did it.

But she believed that Rifan must have used some method to win the qualification from Smoothie.

"This guy Rifan is already so powerful, why bother to fight for the Holy Grail?"

"This doesn't match his previous performances."

Kizaru looked confused.

In the past, Rifan obviously had the opportunity to get more rewards from the golden list.

But he didn't do it, he just accepted the reward that belonged to him.

Kizaru felt that if Rifan wanted, he could rob others' rewards.

After all, he has such strength.

However, such a strong man rarely does it himself.

Usually, let his disciples deal with opponents.

If this were not the case, the original Golden Lion would have been taken by Rifan long ago, and the Teigu in his hand would also be taken away by Rifan.

"Hmph, do you still need to ask the obvious?" Akainu snorted coldly. "It must be the temptation of the Holy Grail that made him act."

"If that's the case, that would be the biggest trouble." Kizaru sighed,

"The Holy Grail that can make Rifan act."

"How powerful it will be, you should be able to imagine it."

"When such things are in his hands, we and the World Government are not even his opponents."

"And this is only the reward for the second place, we don't know after the Authority List announces the reward for the first place."

"What will Rifan get?"

Hearing the words of Tsuru, the room fell silent again.

"It's not necessarily." Kizaru said, "There is something like the Holy Grail in second place."

"It takes a challenge to show up."

"I think the first place may be better than the Heroic Summoning Card, but not necessarily better than the Holy Grail."

"Unless the first place also needs to be challenged to get a better reward."

Tsuru raised her head and glanced at Kizaru:

"What you said makes sense, it's really rare that you are willing to use your brain."

"Forget it, now that Rifan has participated, we can only hope that Sengoku can come back without incident."

After speaking, Tsuru didn't say much, raised her head, and looked at the golden list.

Because there are a total of 14 players, the golden list has 14 screens deliberately divided.

Each screen corresponds to a player.

In the upper right corner of the golden list, there is a small map and other devices, marking the players' positions on the map.

Through these, Tsuru quickly analyzed the positional relationship between the red and black sides.

"Golden List, did you deliberately divide the two groups of people on both sides of the city?"

"But neither the red side nor the black side is directly teleported together."

"In other words, do you want them to find their partners by themselves?"

Tsuru said softly.

[Whitebeard Newgate: Although Rifan is determined to win, we can also watch the excitement. I hope that the World Government will not lose too fast. Gurararara~]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Hehe, maybe we will see Kaido's surprised expression after seeing Rifan. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Rifan, what kind of heroic spirit will he summon?]

[Redhead Shanks: Rifan knows the heroic spirit so well, shouldn't he directly summon an explosive heroic spirit? ]

[Bone Brook: Yohohoho~ I feel that even if Rifan summons a weak hero, he can win the game. ]

[Empress Hancock: It's because Teacher Rifan is the strongest! ]

[Kuzan: Teacher Rifan has started to act, this Holy Grail war is about to begin!]

Seeing Kuzan's message, everyone turned their attention to the screen where Rifan was.

After observing the surrounding environment, Rifan suddenly stepped forward and flew towards the bottom left of the screen very fast.

And there, that is where Perona is.

"Where is this?" Perona looked left and right nervously.

Although she knew that she might be teleported to another space by the golden list for the Holy Grail War.

But when it happened, Perona still felt quite nervous.

Especially when she didn't see Rifan on her side.

"Teacher Rifan, what should I do?"

Perona whispered, thinking of what Rifan said before that would help her.

For Rifan's words, Perona has no doubts.

Although she didn't get along with Rifan for a long time, but for the boss who hired her for a part-time job.

Perona still knows him a little bit.

She knew that once Rifan made a promise, he would definitely do it.