Chapter 494: Holy War (Part 2)

"Are you looking for me, Perona?"

Suddenly, behind Perona came a very familiar voice.

"Teacher Rifan?!" Perona was taken aback and quickly turned to look behind her.

There, as expected, was Rifan.

"Teacher Rifan, it's great to see you! I thought I was hallucinating!"

Perona ran to Rifan quickly and stretched out her slender hands to hold Rifan's hem.

It is hard to imagine how much she missed Rifan in just a little time.

Hope to get help and advice from Rifan.

"Wait, Teacher Rifan, why are you here?"

Perona blinked and looked at Rifan in surprise.

In the list shown by the golden list, Rifan's name clearly did not appear!

Perona didn't understand why Rifan could appear in the different spaces provided by this golden list!

"Could it be that Teacher Rifan, you are here to help me!? "

"So you came to this space with your own strength?!"

Perona looked at Rifan's eyes, full of emotion.

"Well, I am here to help you."

"It's just that, I also have my own plan to participate in the Holy Grail War."

Rifan smiled and showed Perona the magic spell on the back of his hand:

"Look, Perona, what is this?"

"The Mark!?" Perona's eyes opened wide, "Why… Teacher Rifan has this?"

In Perona's doubts, Rifan told her about the deal with Charlotte Smoothie.

The dialogue between Rifan and Perona was also seen by people in the real world who watched the live broadcast of the golden list.

For a while, everyone was both surprised and relieved.

[Red-haired Shanks: So that's what happened, Smoothie sold the mark to Rifan, so can he participate in the Holy Grail War!]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararara~, Rifan actually buys the mark that represent the challenger, the value of this holy grail may be higher than I thought. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: It's terrible, Charlotte Smoothie is a good player in the game. Until now, they may not know that Rifan has participated in the war. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: With Rifan's ability, it is completely impossible for people to detect his existence. ]

[Sabo: Yeah, it seems that Chief has no way of winning. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: Hehe, isn't this also good? Although Sengoku is in the red party, he will definitely help the people of the World Government. The existence of Rifan prevents the Holy Grail from falling into the hands of the group of people in the World Government. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Speaking of which, Stussy is on the Black side. Can I interpret it that this woman is a member of the World Government? Mama, I was really deceived. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: I remember this woman is among the emperor of the underworld, the queen in charge of Happy Street. ]

[Phoenix Marco: The Black side players were chosen from the master sphere of influence, it's hard not to think that Stussy is a member of the World Government. ]

[King: Stussy's strength should be not bad as a secret agent of the WG, but I want to see how those Celestial Dragons will perform in this Holy Grail War. ]

[Fire Fist Ace: Hahaha, do you still need to talk about it? Those guys are going to drag the World Government back. ]

Holy land Mariejois.

In the office of Four Elders.

At the moment, there are only three of the Four Elders in the room.

One of them has been transported to space for the Holy Grail War.

Then they saw Rifan on the screen and saw the three Celestial Dragons who were at loss on the screen.

The three Elders were silent seeing this scene.


"Perona, you should call your heroic spirit first."

Rifan stroked Perona's smooth hair and said:

"When you entered this space, the golden list should have given you the authority to summon heroes."

"Although I will help you to ensure your life is safe."

"But since you have participated in the Holy Grail War, you should summon your own heroic spirit."

Rifan smiled. In his heart, he was quite interested in what kind of hero Perona would summon.

When he came to this different space, Rifan was prompted by the golden list.

As long as you think of summoning heroic spirits in your heart, the summoned magic circle will automatically appear nearby.

Rifan can also summon the heroic spirit as long as he prepares the holy relic.

Of course, it doesn't matter if there is no holy relic, at most, you can't specify the summoning of the heroic spirits.