Chapter 495: Holy War (Part 3)

[Tl/n: Happy New Year Everyone!!!]

Hearing Rifan's words, Perona nodded slightly.

She takes a step forward silently, facing the open space in front of them.

"I announce—" Perona thought of calling the heroic spirit in her heart, and said solemnly.


As Perona's voice fell.

In front of her, a summoning array shining with blue light slowly appeared.

[Red Hair Shanks: Hey, is this the magic circle for summoning heroic spirits? It really gives off power. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: I don't know, which ancient hero this little girl will summon. ]

[Kuzan: It's a pleasure to see the power of ancient heroes. ]

The 14 masters were teleported to a different space.

At this stage, everyone else is still looking for a safe base and trying to contact their peers.

Only Perona was performing the summoning ceremony.

Therefore, at this moment, almost everyone's eyes were cast on Perona's exclusive screen.

"Summoning formation really appeared?!"

Perona's eyes flashed, looking excitedly at the summoning circle in front of her.

After all, Perona is still young, and Summoning Array is a brand new thing for her and the world.

If she said she is not curious, it is a lie.

"Now, Teacher Rifan, what should I do next?"

Perona turned her head to look at Rifan:

"Just now the golden list told me that we can prepare holy relics."

"In this way, it is very likely that the heroic spirits related to the holy relic will be summoned…"

"But, I don't have a holy relic."

Rifan smiled and said:

"But it doesn't matter if there is no holy relic because you can treat yourself as a holy relic."

"Take myself as a holy relic?" Perona looked puzzled.

"That's right." Rifan nodded slightly, "With yourself as a sacred relic, there is a greater chance of summoning a heroic spirit who has a certain connection with you."

"Often, if you take yourself as a sacred relic, the possibility of summoning heroic spirits with the same personality as you will increase."

"Although there is no guarantee of power or something, it is better than summoning an uncontrollable heroic spirit."

Rifan knows that there are no heroes in Pirate World.

This world has the existence of the underworld, but the Hall of Valor, inhibitions, etc., are the products of other worlds.

In Rifan's heart, he actually wanted to see if Perona can summon a spirit by using herself as a holy relic.

What kind of heroic spirit will be summoned?

"Hmm, since Teacher Rifan said that…"

"I will use myself as a holy relic!"

Perona took a deep breath and stepped into the center of the summoning circle.

[Your self is under me, my fate(doom) is in your sword.]

[In accordance with the approach of the Holy Grail, if you abide by this feeling, this reason, then answer.]

The mysterious spell was slowly chanted from her mouth.

The summoning circle began to rotate, and the azure light spots slowly floated around Perona.

Coupled with Perona's delicate face, she looks so mysterious and beautiful.

'Please, there must be a stronger hero!'

Perona prayed in her heart, and said the last mantra in her mouth:

[Here is my oath. I am the one who becomes all the good of the world of the dead, I am the one who lays out all the evil of the world of the dead!]

[You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance ―――!]


A strong light shone, and gradually, one meter in front of Perona, blue light began to converge.

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Huh? Why that guy?!]

[Empress Hancock: No, how could it be that guy?!]

[Bartholomew Kuma: That man became a hero?]

[Admiral Kizaru: Hey, hey, how could there be such a thing, is it fake?]

At this moment, the light had dissipated, and the heroic spirit summoned by Perona had already appeared.

However, seeing this person, whether it is Perona or people in the real world, is quite surprised!

Not only them, but even Rifan was quite surprised!

'Is this the effect of the Holy Grail of the Otherworld?'

'Summoning a hero makes the dead souls from this world to be summoned.'

'In this way, this guy's treasure should be the Shadow Fruit."

'This is not a secret treasure for other combatants.'

While thinking in Rifan's heart, the summoned person opened his eyes.

"...This is?"

"Haven't I been killed?"

"Wait, Holy Grail War, Heroic Servant?!"

"What the hell, how can I have such knowledge in my head?!"

Perona's follower looked dazed, obviously, he hadn't been relieved from the fact that he was called.


"Is that you?"

Perona opened her mouth wide and looked at the person in front of her in surprise.

Because it was too shocking, she even rubbed her eyes fiercely.

However, when she looked over again, the servant in front of her was still Gekko Moria himself.

"Is this voice Perona?"

Moria's eyes were certain, and he immediately followed the voice and glanced over.

"It's really you, Perona, are you dead too?!"

"Wait, you are Rifan? Why are you here?!"