Chapter 499: Summoning an Avenger—!

"I came here because the lady next to you called the servant first."

"I followed the passage where the follower descended, and landed here."

Jeanne spoke.

"So that's what happened." Rifan nodded and asked "So, what are you going to do now?"

"Do you just act with us like this?"

"This should not be in line with the arbiter's actions."

Jeanne shook her head:

"Your Excellency doesn't need to care about me."

"I just stepped forward to say hello to you."

"Now, only Perona has summoned the servants.

"After others call the followers, I will naturally go to other places."

Hearing what Jeanne said, Rifan frowned slightly but still accepted what Jeanne said.

"Okay, then you can do whatever you want."

"I should call my servant too."

Rifan stretched out and stepped forward, past Jeanne and walked behind her.

The next moment, not far in front of Rifan, a summoning formation automatically appeared.

Seeing that Rifan was about to summon a follower, Jeanne naturally cast her gaze over.

[Red Hair Shanks: Rifan is finally going to call his follower, I'm curious what kind of heroic spirit he will summon.]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: With the power of Rifan, perhaps there is no need for the so-called follower at all. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararara~, since it is the rule of the Holy Grail to summon a follower, Rifan still needs to follow the rules of the Holy Grail if he wants to obtain the Holy Grail. ]

[Sabo: Lord Rifan's summoning formation coincides with the position where Jeanne has just descended. I don't know if this is intentional or coincidence. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: His Excellency Rifan knows the Holy Grail War and knows the Holy Grail very well. It is hard to think that His Excellency Rifan has no other deep meaning in doing this. ]

Under the gaze of Jeanne of Arc and the audience in the real world, Rifan took out a card from his Babylonian treasury and placed it in the center of the summoning circle.

[Sabo: Is that the Heroic Card?]

[Red-haired Shanks: Wait, Rifan still has such a treasure?]

[Whitebeard Newgate: No wonder Rifan knows so much about the heroes. It turns out that he still has something similar to the heroic rank card in Dragon's hand. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: With the Heroic Rank Card, will Rifan be able to appoint a certain servant to summon?]

[Admiral Kizaru: Hey, hey, this can be regarded as a foul you know!]

[Kuzan: There should be no rules breaking happening here. It didn't state that you can't use rank cards to summon heroes. ]

Jeanne frowned slightly, and with her ability, she could naturally feel the power of the heroic spirit contained in the card in Rifan's hand.

However, she did not stop Rifan.

In fact, for the holy relics of the servants, there is indeed no provision that Rifan is not allowed to use the Heroic Service Card.

It's just that if Jeanne can see the content on the rank card that Rifan took out.

I'm afraid she can't keep her calm expression now.

On the design of the rank card, a girl who looks exactly like Jeanne's face is clearly drawn.

The only difference is that the girl on the rank card is wearing a black armor, and her hair has changed from golden to white.

In terms of image, the girl on the rank card pattern is also very different from the sacred looking Jeanne d'Arc.

As Rifan chanted the spell, the summoning circle gradually became active.

In the beginning, it emits a bluish-white light normally.

Only after a while, the blue and white magic particles burned out of thin air.

The entire summoning array was even more surrounded by a burst of fiery flames.

[Fire Fist Ace: What's the matter, how did Rifan's summoning formation ignite?!]

[Sabo: Is the summoning form of each follower different, or is it just because Rifan's summoning is special?]

Now, only Perona has successfully summoned a follower.

So they can't make a comparison.

[Whitebeard Newgate: Don't tell me Rifan wants to summon a particularly strong follower?"]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Since Rifan knows the hero, it's hard not to think he wouldn't do it. ]

[Admiral Akainu: Damn it! Rifan did some tricks again!]

"This is?!" Jeanne frowned, staring at the summoning circle in front of Rifan.

She felt extremely powerful hatred from Rifan's summoning formation.

"A servant of the Berserker class?"

"No, it's another feeling?"

Faintly, Jeanne felt that Rifan was summoning a kind of violent follower.

After a few seconds, the flames in the summoning formation died down, and a beautiful girl appeared in front of Rifan.

"Avenger, came in response to the call."

"Thank you, human."

"With me, Jeanne, the victory of this Holy Grail War belongs to you."