Chapter 500: Coincidence? Nah~

[Whitebeard Newgate: Huh?! Jeanne? How did Rifan summon Jeanne out?]

[Sabo: It's really surprising. But she clearly feel different from the first Jeanne. ]

[King: This Jeanne has the same appearance as the Adjudicator's Jeanne, but there is a big difference in temperament. What is going on there? ]

[Firefist Ace: Is it, the twin sister of the Adjudicator Jeanne d'Arc?]

[Admiral Kizaru: If this is the case, wouldn't it be that the adjudicator Jeanne d'Arc will be partial to Rifan?!]

Looking at the appearance of Blackened Jeanne, and listening to Black Jeanne's self introduction.

All the people who were watching the live broadcast of the golden list were stunned.

Not only them, but even Jeanne as the judge, after seeing the servants summoned by Rifan.

Also fell into a sluggish state for a while.

And Rifan, when people didn't notice it.

He took back the heroic rank card he had just taken back into his treasure house.

"Yeah, how are you, black Jeanne."

"Happy to see you."

"This Holy Grail War, I will leave it to you, haha."

Looking at the beauty in front of him, Rifan's mouth turned up involuntarily.

Participate in a holy grail war finally.

Rifan naturally does not intend to participate in a proper manner.

Since Im started the Holy Grail War of 14 people because of greed.

Rifan felt that it was possible to summon an Avenger servant outside of the seven major classes.

Therefore, Rifan deliberately set the Summoning Array in the place where the Adjudicator Jeanne of Arc descended.

He also took out Jeanne-Alter's heroic rank card which was taken out as a holy relic for summoning.

Fortunately, under the addition of the two, Jeanne the Avenger actually responded to his call.

She came here from the Throne of Heroic Spirits.

In A Holy Grail War.

'The judge and the avenger appear at the same time.'

'And the arbiter and the avenger are Jeanne and Black Jeanne respectively. "

'This feeling is really pleasing.'

At this moment, Rifan felt that he had some understanding and pleasure.

"Don't worry, with me, you will..."

Jeanne Alter walked up to Rifan and said confidently.

But when her gaze crossed Rifan's body, she saw adjudicator Jeanne d'Arc staring at her behind Rifan in amazement.

"Uh, who is this woman?"

Jeanne-Alter tilted her head, her face blank.

At this time, Jeanne finally recovered.

She walked to Rifan angrily and said:

"You actually summoned the servants of the Avengers class!"

"Furthermore, it turned out to be my alter side!"

"You have violated the rules!"

In Jeanne's words, quite dissatisfied was revealed.

At the same time, some information about Jeanne-Alter also appeared on Rifan's exclusive screen.

Master: Rifan

-Follower: Jeanne of Arc-Alter

-Career: Avenger (Avenger)


-Treasure type:???

[Red-haired Shanks: What did Jeanne say just now? The servant Rifan summons is her reverse side. What does that mean?]

[Sabo: Is it another Jeanne?]

[Straw Hat Luffy: It's so hard to understand, can you eat it? Sanji I'm hungry!]

[Charlotte Smoothie: Jeanne-Alter, does it mean someone who has the same face as the adjudicatorJeanne, but has a completely different personality?]

[Marine Chief Staff Officer Tsuru: The Avengers class, the class outside the seven major classes. This time, Rifan violated the rules. ]

"Violation? Where did I violate the rules?" When confronted with Jeanne's admonition, Rifan stretched his hands and replied as if it had nothing to do with him.

"You saw it just now, I chanted the summoning spell correctly."

"Then Jeanne-Alter appeared."

"This can only be a coincidence at best right?"

"I think, instead of paying attention to my side, you should go and see how the black master is doing."

"At the end of the day, this Holy Grail War happens because of them."

"It is also because they want to cheat and directly let their own people start the Holy Grail War, which will trigger the Holy Grail War of these 14 people."

"They are the ones who can cheat most easily."

Rifan, who used talk-ninjutsu, came online. For a while, even Rifan himself believed that what he said was the truth.

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararara~, Rifan, this kid is really interesting, he even throw the blame to the World Government side without changing his expression.]

[Female Empress Hancock: What, isn't what Teacher Rifan said reasonable? Isn't it the truth that because of WG greed, the Holy Grail battle of 14 people started?]

[Fire Fist Ace: Oyaji didn't mean that. Forget it, let's leave it at that. ]