Chapter 502: Jeanne Curiosity—!

It was just a spell, to be honest, Rifan didn't care at all.

Although the use of the spell can increase the magic power of the follower.

But for Rifan, there is no need for this magic.

With his own power, Rifan feels that he can even let Jeanne-Alter achieve complete freedom.

'Maybe it can be done,'Rifan thought.

Rifan nodded to Jeanne, who was staring at him, and lifted his hand to her without waiting for Jeanne-Alter to object.

Under Rifan's own control, a stroke on the back of his hand made the curse shine red.

After a second, the red magic particles of automation dissipated.

"That's it, Miss Adjudicator."

Looking at the Command spell that still had traces on the back of his hand, Rifan said with a smile.


Jeanne looked at Rifan's face, and then at the back of Rifan's hand, her face was a little surprised.

"You just wiped out your Command so easily?"

Jeanne is still a little confused.

It stands to reason that the master is particularly fond of their own command spells.

That not only allows one's own followers to follow their own commands.

At critical moments, they can also use the command spells to strengthen their followers.

Let the followers have the upper hand in the battle.

But, here is Rifan.

He didn't show any dissatisfaction with his command spells being taken away at all.

Originally, Jeanne thought that she would need to spend some time talking.

Or some coercive measures are needed to make Rifan submit.

But she didn't expect Rifan to agree so easily.

"What do you mean, isn't this what you asked for?" Rifan smiled, "Or you expect me to resist?"

"Then you have a fight with me?"

On the side, Jeanne Alter looked at Jeanne and said dissatisfied:

"What's the matter with you?"

"He has already crossed out one of his command spells, are you still questioning it?"

"Really, Master, you are too honest." Jeanne-Alter then looked at Rifan and complained.

"You shouldn't listen to her, the big deal is that I'll have a fight with her."

Rifan smiled and patted Jeanne Alter on her head, then smiled:

"Okay, it's already done. It's just a command spell anyway, and I don't intend to impose an order on you."

"As for using magic to strengthen you"

"I don't think this is necessary."

After speaking, a powerful magic surged out of Rifan's body.

The powerful flow of magic power even caused a gust of wind around Rifan.

The explosion of magic power even caught up with the magic power produced when the spell dissipated before.

"This magical power?!" Jeanne-Alter's beautiful eyes widened, she looked at Rifan incredulously, "Are you really a human being, why do you have such a powerful magical power?!"

Although after accepting the call and signing the contract.

Jeanne-Alter was vaguely aware of Rifan's extraordinary.

But after Rifan exploded his magic power.

Jeanne-Alter felt that she still underestimated him!

"Indeed, are you really a human being, Rifan?" Jeanne took a step forward, looking at Rifan's figure with curiosity and carefulness.

Jeanne felt that the magic power just now surpassed many monsters. 

It's not like the magic power that contemporary magicians can possess.

"Guess." Rifan shrugged.

"Forget about that. Miss Adjudicator, what will you do from now on?"

"Next, I plan to accompany my friend over there."

"If there's nothing else, please forgive me for not being with you."

Rifan nodded to Jeanne and greeted Perona who had been watching for a long time.

He turned around and pulled Jeanne Alter, and walked far away with Perona.

Because of the movement of Jeanne D'Arc just now, people with keen perception have rushed here.

Although they belong to the same red team.

But Rifan did not intend to join forces with them.

Moreover, for the time being, Rifan did not want to reveal himself to others that he replaced Smoothie and participated in the Holy Grail War.

Looking at the back of Rifan and others leaving, Jeanne frowned.

After thinking a little bit, she stepped forward and followed.

"Really, you woman, is there anything you want?"

Hearing the movement behind her, Jeanne-Alter turned around dissatisfied.

"Don't think that because you are the other me, I really won't do anything to you."

"My endurance has limits."

Jeanne stopped one meter away from Jeanne Alter hearing her grumpy threat.

"Don't worry, I have no malice against you and your master.

"It's just that Rifan seems a bit too special."

"Therefore, I want to observe him for a while."

"In the meantime, if you fight with others."

"I will not interfere since it's a violation of the rules."

Hearing what Jeanne said, what else can Jeanne Alter say?

At this time, Rifan spoke.

"Just let her follow.

"Anyway, we won't lose anything."