Chapter 503: Dragon and Zoro's alliance! 

[King: The follower summoned by Rifan turned out to be the Class with the strongest attack power! But why did Rifan do this? With his power, it doesn't need to be this way. ]

[Marine Chief Staff Tsuru: It is indeed very strange, Rifan obviously has a designated holy relic for summoning. But he still violates the rules and has one of his command spells taken. It's hard to imagine the purpose of what he would do. ]

[Shemale Bentham: What is there to think about? With the power of Rifan, participating in this Holy Grail War is as simple as playing a game. Maybe Rifan summoned Jeanne-Alter, just because he prefers Jeanne-Alter. ]

[Redhead Shanks: Oh! I have to say, Bentham, what you said has some truth. Even Rifan would definitely be interested in some ancient heroes. Now that he has a chance to summon it, he naturally wants to try it. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: But the question is, is Jeanne Alter really an ancient hero? Jeanne may have been a character in ancient times, but looking at their previous conversations, Jeanne Alter, the reverse side of Jeanne d'Arc, should only appear due to some special circumstances. ]

[Marine Hero Garp: Really, it's troublesome whether she is reverse or not reverse or something. Just think of her as if she really exists, and if you have time to think so much, it's better to look at the situation of the Holy Grail War. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: That's right. Having said that, Moria has been summoned. I don't know if the Shiki, who is no longer in this world, will also be summoned. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: If that happens, then this Holy Grail War will be even more interesting. Gurarara~]

[Sabo: Huh! Leader came to the place where Rifan and his group were just now!]

Monkey Dragon side.

"Am I late?" Dragon walked out of the dark and came to the place where Rifan and Perona were before.

"This is the summoning formation."

"There are two, which means that two heroes have been summoned?"

"There is no trace of fighting, that means they should be from the same camp.

Dragon looked at the two summoning formations on the ground and muttered.

At the same time, his Observation Haki radiated to the surroundings, exploring the surrounding environment as much as possible.

Soon, Dragon's brows frowned.

'Is it still the same?'

'My Observation Haki is extremely restricted. '

'Is it simply because this place is special?'

'Or, the golden list wants to limit us and let us rely more on the power of the heroic spirits?'

Dragon shook his head.

'Forget it, let's summon my heroic servants as soon as possible.'

Before, when Jeanne d'Arc descended, Dragon was the closest to her location.

After a little hesitation, Dragon chose to come and explore.

His purpose is to find members of the Red Masters and form a team together.

In his opinion, among the red masters.

Zoro, Perona, Smoothie, and even Kaido are all possible collaborations.

In the case that the black masters are united and Sengoku may join the camp.

If they don't unite with the others on the red side.

This holy grail war will become useless for the red side.

It's just that although Dragon's idea is good but the reality is cruel.

Rifan noticed him but he didn't want to meet them so quickly.

Naturally, he could only rush for nothing.

However, although he failed to meet Rifan.

It seems his efforts are not for nothing.

"Huh?!" Dragon's eyes condensed, and he suddenly turned to look into the distance.

In the next moment, his body quickly vacated and hurried towards the person he felt from his Observation Haki.

[Sabo: Hey, this Zoro's position seems to be very close to the position of the leader… Was he also following the light of Jeanne d'Arc?]

[Bone Brook: Yohohoho~, it shouldn't be. I noticed this swordsman just now, he seems to be spinning around all the time. ]

[Blackfoot Sanji: What the hell is this marimo doing?]

[Straw Hat Luffy: Hahaha, Zoro must be lost again.]

[Sabo: Uh, Luffy, you laugh at your partner like that, is that okay?]

[Straw Hat Luffy: Shishishi, it's okay, that guy is a natural road idiot. ]

[Blackfoot Sanji: That guy, it's okay to be ashamed in normal times, but now he is embarrassed in front of people all over the world. Forget it, let the people around the world know that he is a road idiot, it is that guy who is ashamed anyway. ]

[Charlotte Smoky: It seems that this three-swordsman needs a guide. Fortunately, the purpose of the dragon seems to be to find him.]

As Smoothie said, Dragon confirmed from a high altitude that it was Zoro who was also from the red side.

He put away his Devil Fruit ability and landed not far in front of Zoro.

"You seem to need some help." In Zoro's alert, Dragon said, "If you don't mind, why don't we act together?"

"It's you." Seeing that it was Luffy's father, Zoro put away the sword he had drawn.

"The buildings in this place look the same. I haven't seen anyone after I walked for a long time..."

While talking, Zoro walked toward Dragon.

"About your suggestion, the Holy Grail War is divided between red and black. Okay, I will agree to team up with you."

"It's just that after the red sides win the battle our cooperation will come to an end."

"The Holy Grail that can make a wish come true, I will not give it to others!"

"I... I have someone I want to be resurrected!"