Chapter 510: First Blood!

Summoned by the Holy Grail, the knowledge of the Holy Grail War was naturally instilled into Doflamingo's mind.

Although surprised, he understood the rules of the Holy Grail War in an instant.

'Celestial Dragons?'

'Is this the guy who called me?'

'I and Celestial Dragons are really destined.'

'It's just that, with this guy, I'm afraid it's hard to win the Holy Grail War.'

Doflamingo looked at the Celestial Dragons in front of him, thinking quickly about the countermeasures in his mind.

After being called by the Holy Grail as a follower, he is once again summoned to the real world.

Doflamingo did not intend to return to the cold underworld.

He wants to use the power of the Holy Grail to resurrect himself into the real world.

If possible, he plans to kill Rebecca who killed him after being revived.

What he didn't know was that Rebecca was able to kill him when she was not at her peak state.

Now, Rebecca's power will only be stronger than before.

"Slave, get down on your knees!"

Suddenly, a voice broke into Doflamingo's ears.

Turning his head and looking, he found the Celestial Dragons on the other side facing him, giving orders to someone who had the same breath of servant as himself.

Because he hasn't seen the [Ability List] because he had been killed by Rebecca.

Therefore, he didn't know who Enel beside him was and what kind of abilities he had.

"You told me to kneel down!?" Enel widened his eyes, "Who do you think you are, how dare you give orders to God!"

"Hmph, I am your master, you must obey my orders—"


Before the Celestial Dragons had finished speaking, thunder suddenly fell from the sky.

It fell straight on top of his head.

The Celestial Dragons didn't even have a sense of resistance and were directly overkill by Enel's thunder.

"Fufufufu~, he's really a violent guy."

Before the thunder fell, Doflamingo pulled the Celestial Dragons who had summoned him behind him.

He looked at Enel with a wicked smile and said:

"You should have received the knowledge of the Holy Grail War."

"This will directly erase your summoner."

"What the consequences will be, you should know."

Enel looked back at Doflamingo coldly.

"Consequence? Humph, I'm a god!"

Suddenly, Enel's body became soft and his feet could not support him on the ground.

"What's going on?" Enel knelt on one foot, his face full of horror. "I, my strength, why?!"

"Fufufu, although I don't know who you are. However, we are all followers now." Doflamingo looked at Enel with interest.

"Without the contractor, it is difficult for us to maintain our bodies in the real world."

"I said, you shouldn't be so arrogant that you didn't even read the common sense about the Holy Grail in your mind."

As he said that, Doflamingo raised his hand and pointed to his brain.

"Common sense of the Holy Grail War?" Enel was taken aback.

In the next moment, his expression immediately became horrified.

After Doflamingo's reminder.

He immediately read the extra knowledge in his mind.

Soon, he knew that what Doflamingo said was true.

He will really disappear!

"No, I don't want to go back, I don't want to go back to that cold world!"

Enel panicked, he looked around, trying to find a way to survive.


Enel looked at Hummus Palace and yelled at her.

"M-me?!" Hummus Palace widened her eyes, and her figure retreated.

She just saw the scene of Enel killing a Celestial Dragon.

So she didn't want to sign a contract with the scary man in front of her.

"Fufufu, it seems that she doesn't want to sign a contract with you."

"If that's the case, then I wish you luck."

After speaking, Doflamingo turned his hand to his master and fled into the distance.

However, when he left, Doflamingo threw a thin line and took the Hummus Palace into the distance.

"You bastards!" Enel's eyes widened.

Relying on the remaining magic power, a lightning bolt was thrown in the direction Doflamingo left.

"Fufufu, did you attack me?"

"Then don't blame me for being impolite."

Doflamingo laughed and avoided Enel's Thunder.

"Just right, let me try my new power on you before you disappear."

"Five Color Strings!"

A thin line of magical power flew out of Doflamingo's hand and quickly cut towards Enel's body.

Because of the loss of the master, Enel had no physical ability to avoid Doflamingo's attack.

In the end, he could only watch Enel's attack hit his body.

"Fufufu~, it's not Devil Fruit, but a line of magic."

The corners of Doflamingo's mouth cocked.

"If I am resurrected, can I retain this magical power, Fufufu I'm looking forward to that?"