Chapter 511: The abilities of the summoned have been sublimated!?

[Phoenix Marco: Haha~, sure enough, Celestial Dragons will suffer. ]

[Plague Quinn: It's a pity that only one died. It would be great if the other two died too.]

[Dark King Rayleigh: The stupid master, plus the not-so-smart follower, there will be such a result for granted. ]

[Redhead Shanks: It's a pity that Enel, with his power, if he plays well, it should make this Holy Grail war even more exciting. ]

[Fire Fist Ace: What about it WG, one of your Celestial Dragons is dead, what else do you want to say? Haha~]

The Three Elders, far away in Mariejois, looked ugly.

They never thought that the three Celestial Dragons would all meet together.

Stussy and others were not able to find the Celestial Dragons.

In the end, it ended up in a situation where Celestial Dragons were killed by his followers.

"We can only hope Doflamingo will not do such a thing."

The Blond Elder said softly, staring at the screen where Doflamingo was.

Although he hopes that Doflamingo can honestly help Celestial Dragons.

But they all know that with Doflamingo's character, he will never follow the instructions of Celestial Dragons so honestly.

Even though the Celestial Dragon is the master who summons him.

Secret Realm of the Golden List.

Doflamingo brought two Celestial Dragons, a man and a woman, to a secluded room far from Enel.

He threw them to his feet.

"It hurts!"

"You bastard, what do you want to do?!"

"I am your master!"

The Male Celestial Dragons looked at Doflamingo with an angry face.

"When you were alive, you bastards were just rubbish that was thrown away like a dog by the nobles of the world."

"Now that I resurrect you, obey me Pariah!"

Hearing the words of the male Celestial Dragons Kamachas, the female Celestial Dragons on the side opened her eyes wide.

Even as arrogant as her, after the incident where another Celestial Dragons was killed just now.

At this moment, she dare not offend Doflamingo.

However, her companion said this to Doflamingo.

Suddenly, Hummus Palace looked at Doflamingo nervously.

"Fofufu, interesting."

"Sure enough, Celestial Dragons are still the same as before."

Doflamingo twisted his fingers and looked at the Male Celestial Dragon in front of him with a grin.

At the same time, a horrified suffocation rushed towards the Male Celestial Dragon.

"Huh?! What do you want?!"

The Male Celestial Dragon, who has never suffered any drama, how could he be able to withstand the suffocation of Doflamingo killing intent?

After just a moment of contact with Doffy's manic killing intent, the Male Celestial Dragon' pants were stained with a yellowish liquid.

[Fire Fist Ace: Hey! This male Celestial Dragons, is he scared to pee?]

[Sabo: Yeah, yeah, is this the so called God in the world, it's really delicate enough. ]

[Charlotte Katakuri: Ha! With the appearance of this so called God of the world, you can imagine how distorted the World Government is. ]

[Denjiro: What a shameful sight, such a guy is not a man at all. If it were me, I would cut my belly on the spot!]

[Phoenix Marco: Brother Denjiro, your requirements for Celestial Dragons are too strict. How can people like them possess your Bushido spirit? ]

[Shemale Bentham: By the way, does it matter if Doflamingo is like this? That Male Celestial Dragons has a command spell. If he uses a spell on Doflamingo, wouldn't Doflamingo suffer?]

[Sabo: That also requires Celestial Dragons to have time to use. At this distance, Doflamingo can kill the Celestial Dragon before he thought of doing it.]

[Violet: No, Doflamingo will not kill the Celestial Dragons. He has many ways to control others!]

As someone who has been forced to join the Donquixote Family, Violet knows Doflamingo quite well.

Sure enough, her message just dropped.

Doflamingo has a new action.

"Fufufu, are you threatening me?" Doflamingo smiled wickedly and moved his fingers.

Those who are familiar with him immediately know that he intends to use his abilities.

"Treasured Tools - Parasite String!"

Doflamingo's body exploded with enormous magic power.

Two invisible threads ejected from his hand and landed on the two Celestial Dragons respectively.

Immediately, the male Celestial Dragon, who was still noisy just now, became quiet.

[Kyrus: Bastard, this is how he control the body of others!]

Kyrus clenched his fists and looked at the screen angrily.

When fighting with Doflamingo, Kyrus has suffered from this trick.

King Riku's eyes glowed with red light, his body trembling from trauma because Doflamingo also used this move on him.

It was because Doflamingo use of this trick on him that Dressrosa exploded in the event of him hacking and killing the people of his country.

[Violet: But this is a bit strange, this move should only control the body of others, why the eyes of these two Celestial Dragons seem to have become a little sluggish. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Just now, Doflamingo said the word "treasure". Could it be that his ability has been sublimated?]