Chapter 512: Doflamingo Confidence—

ー Follower: Doflamingo

-Treasure: Parasite String, a treasure for people. Parasite String, using magic thread to insert into the body of others, depriving others of control of their bodies. When using this ability in the form of a treasure, the magic line can penetrate into the minds of others and manipulate the will of others.

–This treasure is only effective for people with weak willpower.

[King: This guy is able to control the will of others?! Did he have this ability before?]

[Kyrus: How is it possible, if this guy had such abilities before, there would be no need to turn us into toys!]

[Phoenix Marco: So, this is the ability-power that Doflamingo gained after becoming a heroic spirit?]

[Red-haired Shanks: This is amazing. Becoming a hero, not only can use the previous Devil Fruit, but also has new abilities!]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararara~, if I die and be summoned as a slave, I don't know what kind of power I will have. ]

[Android No. 18: The hero's treasure is not limited to weapons. The legend before him can also be turned into a treasure. Doflamingo once controlled quite a few people with Parasite String and left a deep impression on this world, so the Holy Grail will give him such a treasure.]

[Android No.18: However, the ability of his treasure "Parasite String" should be limited. If he is called not as an archer, but as a Rider (cavalry), the "Parasite String" should be able to control the mind of stronger people.]

[Red-haired Shanks: Is there such a thing? Wait, you said that "Parasite String" is restricted. Can I understand that as an archer, he has stronger treasures?]

[Android No. 18: A follower does not necessarily have only one treasure. ]

No. 18 knows that the treasure house held by Rifan, its original owner, has a storehouse of treasures.

[Dark King Rayleigh: It's amazing, Doflamingo, after becoming a follower, should have become much stronger. I don't know if this old man meets him now, if he can beat him, hahaha. ]

[Iron Fist Garp: Hmph, What's the use of getting stronger when your a dead person?]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararara~, What I am interested in is his strongest treasure as an archer. ]


"Fufufu~ although it took a lot of magic."

"But it's finally worth it."

Doflamingo laughed when he saw the two eyes in front of him who had completely lost their lusters.

"The follower is really an interesting identity."

Thinking of his other treasure, Doflamingo's heart became more and more happy.

Although he doesn't know what kind of followers other people have summoned.

But at this moment, he is quite confident in his abilities.

"My strength is adding another follower."

"The victory of this Holy Grail War belongs to me, fufufufu~."

After laughing for a while, Doflamingo stopped and cast his gaze to the Female Celestial Dragon.

"You, immediately proceed to the Servants' summoning ceremony."

"And after summoning, immediately use the command spell to order it."

"Let him/her obey my orders."

"Yes." The Female Celestial Dragon has completely become Doflamingo's puppet.

Facing his orders, she did not resist.

[Fire Fist Ace: This guy is really sinister. He even wanted to control the servant of the female Celestial Dragon. ]

[King: I have to admit that this man is a good human being! Hahaha~]

[Long Hair Elder: This bastard, how dare he!]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Oh? Do you want to send someone to attack Doflamingo? Gurarara~ But it's useless anyway, don't forget, you are not in the secret realm of the gold list now. ]

[Sabo: Sure enough, his goal is this. ]

At first, Sabo was still wondering why Doflamingo would leave with the female Celestial Dragon.

It wasn't until he saw the tips given by the golden list about Doflamingo's treasure "Parasite String".

He had a vague conjecture.

Watching the female Celestial Dragon summon a servant for Doflamingo.

All the people who watched the live broadcast of the golden list cast their sights on the female Celestial Dragon screen.

After all, this is the most weird call among all the calls that have been made.

As the master of the summoning party, it is controlled and summoned by other followers.

I am afraid this will be the first and last time in this Holy Grail war.

With the chanting of the female Celestial Dragon, soon, a strong and tall figure appeared in the summoning formation.

[Jinbei: It turned out to be him!]