Chapter 513 Fish-man bound by curses

Master: Hummus

-Follower: Hody Jones

--Career: Berserker (Berserk)

"Roar, roar!!"

"Huh?!" Doflamingo frowned as he listened to the roar of the summoned servant in front of him.

Immediately control the female Celestial Dragon to activate the command spell.

"In the name of your Summoner, you are ordered to obey Doflamingo's orders and not to be rebellious."

Red light suddenly appeared, and the curse in the female Celestial Dragon hand turned into a red halo on Hody Jones.

Immediately, Hody Jones, who was still roaring frantically, stopped.

"This is…" Hody Jones gritted his teeth and looked at Doflamingo and the female Celestial Dragon in anger.

"You controlled me?! No, you can't control me!"

Hordy Jones struggled to walk towards Doflamingo, and a string of water beads condensed in his hand to attack Doflamingo.

However, the power of the command spell still played a role after all.

The water droplets that had just condensed dissipated automatically, and Hody Jones himself stopped in front of Doflamingo.

"Fufufu, since you have been called, you should know what's going on."

"The command spell is absolute, and you can't resist it."

"Fishman, obey my orders honestly and do what I say."

Doflamingo stepped up in front of Hody Jones, not the slightest fear of him.

[Princess Shirahoshi: Hory Jones, he actually got summoned as a berserker!]

[Jinbei: He himself is the incarnation of anger among the Fishman. So being summoned as a berserker is understandable. It's just that it's really emotional to see this guy even now. ]

[Fire Fist Ace: Having said that, this Fishman should not have much power in front of him. Even if he was called as a follower, his power wouldn't be so strong. ]

[Jinbei: Indeed, although Hody Jones has good potential, he is still too young. Maybe he can grow stronger for a few years. ]

[Plague Queen: Now there is no poison for him to take. Anyway, Doflamingo controls Hody Jones, so Rifan should be provoked. No, both Doflamingo and Hody Jones were killed by Rifan's disciples. Maybe these two guys can get along well. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Can they get along well? Let's not talk about it. If the two of them met Rifan, there is a high probability that they will be cleaned up by Rifan.]

[Dark King Rayleigh: These two guys are very miserable. If Rifan didn't participate, their two followers would form a team, and maybe they would be able to win. But now, maybe when they meet Rifan, they will be eliminated. ]

- Follower: Hody Jones

- Treasures: Inspired by the evil drugs, Anti-Unit (Self). After use, all aspects of the body's functions are greatly stimulated, and the body and mind become more angry.

[Jinbei: Huh? Why is the treasure suddenly revealed, and it is still 'inspired by the evil drug'?]

Jinbei exclaimed and looked at the screen quickly.

Sure enough, the body skin of Hody Jones in the picture gradually turned red.

Cracks appeared on the surface of his skin.

The extremely sturdy momentum erupted.

Doflamingo frowned slightly, and a stream of silk thread rolled toward Hody Jones's body from his hand.

He intends to temporarily control him.

At this moment, Hody Jones leaped forward.

The big fist hit Doflamingo's head.

"Huh?!" Doflamingo's eyes widened.

The next moment, he was smashed and flew out.

"Damn it, this guy broke free of the effect of the spell?"

"This is his treasure?"

Doflamingo constructed a thread behind him and stopped himself in mid-air.

With a move of his mind, the female Celestial Dragon in front of him raised her hand again, muttering something in her mouth.

"Roar! Die!"

With red light in his eyes, Hody Jones rushed to Doflamingo again.

Only when his attack was about to hit Doflamingo again.

Another Command spell was tied to him.

Hody Jones' fist stopped a few centimeters away from Doflamingo.

"Fufufu, it seems that you are not as incompetent as I thought."

"With such explosive power, I will use you well. Fufufufu~"

Doflamingo touched the scar on his face, licked his tongue and put his hand on Hody Jones' shoulder.

Although Hody Jones wanted to attack Doflamingo, he was bound by two command spells.

No matter how violent he was, he could no longer launch an attack on Doflamingo.

"Anyway, let's get along well."

"Fishman warrior."

"First, I order you to tell me your name."

Doflamingo smiled.

"My name is Hody Jones."

Hody Jones, with his gritted teeth, answered.