Chapter 542: 1st place reward—

Dressrosa, in the arena.

"Rifan, is what you said true?"

"Are you going to give the Holy Grail to us?!"

Zephyr looked at Rifan in surprise.

Beside him, Rebecca and Violet were standing.

They are all the people who want to resurrect their loved ones.

"I have studied this holy grail, and its greatest use may be to resurrect others."

"Perhaps because this is the Holy Grail battle of 14 people, plus the permission from the two of us."

"A total of four people can be resurrected.

"Rebecca, Violet, you probably still have family members who need to be resurrected. Give you two places for resurrection."

"Zephyr, you have worked hard for a lifetime."

"Since you are old, it is better to have more family members so that you can enjoy your old age."

Rifan said with a smile.

"Thank you, Teacher Rifan."

Several people bowed respectfully to Rifan.

Faced with the opportunity to resurrect the dead, a few people have no possibility of refusing.

Soon, as the four rays of light flashed, Rebecca and other family members who had passed away reappeared in this world one after another.

[Red-haired Shanks: This is… Damn, really Rifan is probably the best teacher in the world. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Not only does he help resurrect his disciples' family, but he also allows his disciple to have a longer life, and even a permanent life. After this time, there will probably be more people who want to become disciples of Rifan. ]

[Beast Kaido: Rifan, if I can find your dojo, can you also accept me as your disciple?]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Kaido, what you think is wonderful. But the reality is cruel. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Haha, Kaido is not to blame. Even this old man is a little moved by this kind of thing. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: Anyway, the reward for second place is over after all. Although it is less than a day, it feels extremely long. ]

[Iron Fist Garp: Next, it's time to give out the first prize. ]

[Authority List] First place, congratulations to all members of Sun and Moon Dojo and all its affiliates for obtaining a 100-year of life bonus, and additional 100 attributes.

--Congratulations to the leader of Sun and Moon Dojo for obtaining the reward [Sacred Tree Fruit].

Once you take the fruit of the sacred tree, you can obtain a"Rinne-Sharingan", which has a power that surpasses ordinary Sharingan and Rinnegan.

-A special system can be obtained, able to withstand great energy attacks, as long as you do not die, you can recover on your own from any injury, and your life span is greatly extended.

Following a burst of prompts on the golden list, a screen dedicated to the demonstration of the fruits of the sacred tree automatically popped up.

In the picture, a woman wearing a sage robe and with long snow-white hair stands quietly.

In her hand, she held a fruit emitting this weird red light.

After she ate the fruit in her hand, she suddenly had an extra eye on her forehead.

The eyes showed a mysterious red light, circles of ripples, above the ripples, there are many tomoes.

Immediately afterward, the screen turned.

Came to the scene of a white-haired woman fighting with others.

Although she has been hit many times, no matter what kind of attack it is, it will be resolved by her immortal body.

People in Pirate World looked at the golden list in the sky in shock.

Rinne-Sharingan, they have seen it before!

From the[Ability List] Rifan showed his power using Rinne-Sharingan.

Although Rifan's two eyes changed into Rinne-Sharingan, there were no third eyes at that time.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that its power is not weaker than the woman on the screen!


'Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, this time the golden list directly extracted her image.'

Rifan thought to himself.

[Red-haired Shanks: It's too exaggerated, this kind of battle, is this really a battle that humans can carry out?!]

[Whitebeard Newgate: What was it just now, it created a moon and trapped the woman who ate the fruit of the sacred tree?]

[Beast Kaido: Is this a god? Wait. Rifan also has Rinne-Sharingan, so he can also do this!? ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Mamama~, it's really scary, it deserves to be the reward for the first place. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: This is really just eating this fruit to get such a terrifying power, but also to have a nearly immortal body, which is more powerful than any previous reward.]