Chapter 543: Next List—

[Iron Fist Garp: Having said that, both eyes of Rifan can be transformed into Rinne-Sharingan, then has he eaten two sacred tree fruits before? ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: You can ask Rifan, maybe he will tell you.]

[Iron Fist Garp: Forget it, for my gut, I don't want to know the truth. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: In addition to this reward, everyone in the sphere of influence can get a 100-year lifespan bonus. This reward is also surprising. ]

[Phoenix Marco: It is conceivable that everyone in Rifan's sphere of influence is celebrating now. ]

As Marco said, after hearing that they could live a hundred years longer.

All the people in the power range of the Sun and Moon dojo were in ecstasy.

Those countries that have applied to join, but have not been accepted, have fallen into endless depression.

The life span of one hundred years is equivalent to turning the area of the Sun and Moon dojo into a country of longevity.

People just think that they can have more than half of their lives to enjoy, so all of them dance with excitement.

The gratitude for Rifan in their heart has reached unprecedented heights.

[Charlotte Katakuri: The power list has finally been announced up to the present position. I don't know what kind of list the golden list will release next. ]

[King: No matter what the list is released, the first place will be Rifan.]

[Red-haired Shanks: I'm used to Rifan being the first. Even if it's not an individual on the power list, he is still the leader of this power. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: I don't know if there will be any list in the golden list that Rifan will not be on the list. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararara, I bet you, there will never be such a list. ]

[Authority List ]has ended. Ten days later [Beauty List] will be announced.]

A big word shining with golden light was left on the golden list. A few seconds later, the golden list disappeared like it never appeared in the world.

In Moby Dick, Whitebeard, who had just left a message on the golden list, was stunned.

After a long time, he turned to look at his crew.

Upon seeing Whitebeard's stunned expression, the crew on the Mobile laughed loudly.

Even Marco's mouth curled up, and it was obvious that Whitebeard's current appearance made him very interested.

"Father, what you saw is correct. The list that will be released in ten days is [Beauty List]."

"In other words, what you said on the golden list before was wrong."

"On the next list, Rifan will not be in the top spot anymore."

"It's better to say that he won't be on the list at all."

As his voice fell, laughter broke out from a distance on the Moby Dick.

At the same time, red-haired Shanks and others who are familiar with Whitebeard also laughed.

Even though there is no way to see Whitebeard's face now, they just think about it and they can guess Whitebeard's expression.

As for the beauties of Pirate World, after seeing that the next list is[Beauty List], they can't help but look forward to being on the list.

The happiest thing is, of course, Rifan's disciples, especially Hancock.

'It's great, this empress can get an excellent reward!'

Hancock thought excitedly while clenching her fists.

'It would be great if I could get something useful for Teacher Rifan.'

'That way he will be very happy.'

Like Hancock, Robin, Nami and others also thought of this.

"Beauty list?" After Rifan put the fruit of the sacred tree into his treasure house, he looked at Rebecca and Violet in front of him with a carefree expression.

"This list should have your two names."

"By the way, Linlin, you seem to be qualified for the list."

"You should really be happy that you got the birthday reward before."

Hearing what Rifan said, Violet, Linlin and others were very happy.

After all, they are also women, hoping that others will praise their beauty.

Not to mention, they were praised by the most powerful man in the world.

"So in the eyes of Lord Rifan, I am not qualified to be on the list. It's really sad."

Aside, Charlotte Smoothie looked at Rifan with a sad look.

"How come, Miss Smoothie is also very beautiful. I believe the golden list will give you a spot." Rifan smiled.

"For a powerful person like Teacher Rifan, if he is a woman, he must be on the top of the [Beauty List]." Violet laughed:

"Although I am a little unwilling, this time the top of the list should be Senior Sister Hancock."