Chapter 544: Transaction—

"Well, I think Shirahoshi is also pretty."

Obviously, Rebecca has a different understanding of what Violet said.

"Although I'm sorry to say this about Sister Hancock, I think Shirahoshi should be more beautiful."

Hearing Rebecca's words, Violet lowered her head and thought:

"Indeed, Princess Shirahoshi is also very beautiful, but she is still a little bit immature compared to Hancock."

"What do you think, Teacher Rifan?"

Seeing Violet throwing her head at himself, Rifan raised his eyebrows.

"Hancock is sexy and charming, Shirahoshi's beauty belongs to the cute type, Rebecca, you take the cute route, so you think Shirahoshi is more beautiful."

"Violet, you are taking the sexy route, so you might agree with Hancock more."

"According to what I said, Hancock and Shirahoshi each have their own charms, which are incomparable to other people's eyes."

"Of course, Violet and Rebecca, both of you, have the same charm that no one else has."

"Rebecca's cute princess banner, Violet, your passionate dance, etc…" Rifan said with a smile.

For a sensitive topic like "Who is more beautiful", Rifan naturally cannot directly give a standard answer.

After all, no matter who he says is more beautiful, he may hurt the other party.

Moreover, as the old saying goes, "There are a thousand Hamlets for a thousand readers".

Some people think Shirahoshi is more beautiful, and some people think Hancock is more beautiful.

There is no definite limit.

Rifan himself did not lie. If he really wants to evaluate it. The beauty of Hancock and Shirahoshi is at the same level.

Even the beauty of Nami, Robin, Violet, and others belongs to the same level as Hancock and others in Rifan's mind.

After all, Rifan judges a person's beauty, not just by his appearance.

A person's personality will also be included in Rifan's evaluation.

Just like plum blossoms and peonies each has their own beauty, in Rifan's mind, plum blossoms and peonies belong to the same level.

Therefore, Rifan is particularly interested in the ranking of the [Beauty List] that will be announced by the Golden List.

"Hehe, Teacher Rifan, you really can talk." Violet stroked her cheeks and said with a smirk on her face, "I'm so happy that you compare myself to a beauty on the same level as Miss Hancock."

"Since you have said so, please let me prepare a passionate dance for you later."

Hearing this, Rifan smiled and nodded: "Then I will look forward to it."

"Teacher Rifan will not disappoint you." Violet took a step forward and took Rifan's hand. "Of course, if Teacher Rifan can dance with me, that would be even better."

"At that time, I will trouble you to teach me, Violet." Rifan chuckled lightly, "But wait for me to finish the matter here first."

"Our guests seem to be unable to wait."

What Rifan said is naturally Charlotte Linlin and Charlotte Smoothie.

Especially Linlin. Now that Kaido, Whitebeard, and others have gained great power from the golden list, she especially hopes to get a powerful weapon from Rifan.

Seeing Rifan look over, Linlin quickly took out the three Devil Fruit Awakening Cards she had obtained before and handed them to Rifan, saying:

"Your Excellency Rifan, these are three Devil Fruit Awakening Cards, please accept them."

Rifan nodded and received three Devil Fruit Awakening Cards.

"I'll accept your offer. As for the weapon for you, see if this can satisfy you."

Rifan raised his hand, a golden ripple spread out around him, and then a double-edged sword flew out slowly from it.

"This is..." Linlin looked at the double-edged sword flying into her hand with some confusion.

Compared to Linlin's body shape, this double-edged sword is particularly appealing.

"Mom, this is a Teigu who has been on the [Battle Clothes List] called !"

Charlotte Smoothie reminded her mother quickly.

Upon hearing this, Linlin finally remembered.

[Incursio] Undoubtedly, it is also an extremely good suit, but it is not good when compared to a holy cloth.

So it didn't make Linlin particularly remember.

"Your Excellency Rifan, are you planning to use [Incursio] to trade with me?"

Charlotte Linlin asked.

"Yes, I don't know if this weapon is enough to trade three Devil Fruit Awakening Cards with you."

Rifan smiled.