Chapter 547: Two Zanpakutō!

"Then it's time to choose."

Looking at Kuzan in front of him, Rifan couldn't stop nodding.

"Teacher Rifan, is there anything on me?"

Kuzan was puzzled.

"It's nothing, just accepting so many disciples, you are still the first male official disciple."

"It's really a bit of green among ten thousand flowers."

Rifan smiled and said: "And when you're done with your training. It is definitely not a problem to play against two or three Akainu."

"You don't have to worry about losing your arm or leg because of fighting with Sakazuki in the future."

Hearing this, Kuzan's mouth twitched: "Teacher Rifan, you jest, even if I go to fight Sakazuki now, I will never lose."

"I believe this." Rifan nodded.

In fact, after becoming Rifan's outer disciple, Kuzan became the most hard-working person among the outer disciples.

Perhaps it was because he was extremely insistent on justice in his heart.

"Make a choice, Kuzan." Rifan waved, and a katana and a container of blue liquid appeared in front of Kuzan.

"You have seen one of these two things."

"The name of the samurai sword is Sode no Shirayuki, which is a Zanpakutō."

"The liquid in the container is the blood of a creature, and it is called Teigu "Demon's Extract."

"Both items have the power to manipulate ice and snow."

"I won't introduce Sode no Shirayuki much. The power of "Devil's essence" is weaker than that of Sode no Shirayuki."

"But practicing to the limit can give you the power to stop time within a certain range."

Hearing what Rifan said, Kuzan hugged his arms and stared at the two objects for a long time.

Afterwards, he said to Rifan: "Teacher Rifan, I hope to get Sode no Shirayuki."

"Oh?" Rifan raised his eyebrows, "Although I don't think you, a big man, will look beautiful with this sword."

"But since you made such a choice, I won't refute it either."

Even so, Rifan agrees with Kuzan's choice.

"The Demon's Extract" does have the weird ability to stop time.

However, compared to Zanpakutō Sode no Shirayuki, it is a little weaker after all.

"What about me, Teacher Rifan?" Sadi-chan stepped forward, and Rifan's face was stunned for a moment when he saw the big eyes hidden in her bangs.

It's beautiful. He didn't know why Sadi-chan was hiding her eyes. But he didn't ask.

"Can I also get a weapon as good as Sode no Shirayuki?"

Rifan nodded lightly: "Of course, since you master swordsmanship, I will give this to you."

With that, Rifan opened his hand and a Short sword appeared in his hand.

"This is Suzumebachi?" Sadi-chan cupped the petite blade in front of her with both hands and looked at Rifan in surprise.

"Since I gave a Zanpakutō to Kuzan, then I can't favor one another." Rifan put his hand on Sadi-chan's head and stroked her smooth hair.

"With this sword, you can use swordsmanship before Shikai, and then you can launch missiles to attack after you master its Bankai."

"How about, do you like it, Sadi-chan?"

Sadi-chan nodded again and again: "Of course, I like it, as long as it is given to me by Teacher Rifan, I like it!"

Hearing this, Rifan smiled and patted Sadi chan on the shoulder.

Regarding the Zanpakutō in his hand, Rifan thought about keeping one or two.

But thinking that such a famous sword can only be kept in his own hands, it is better to hand it over to his disciples.

If it weren't for the power of Ryūjin Jakka and no disciple can master it, Rifan would also take it out.

Suzumebachi Zanpakutō, Rifan is confident that Sadi chan after obtaining spiritual power can master it.

Zanpakutō Sode no Shirayuki, Kuzan was originally a Frozen devil fruit user, with a very high affinity, there is no possibility of him being unable to master it.

"Well, now that you have got what you want, let's start training."

Rifan clapped his hands, drawing the attention of the two to his side.

"Yes, Teacher Rifan."

Kuzan and Sadi chan replied in unison.

Sadi-chan failed to get what she wanted.

After the training started inside the training chamber, she really realized how harsh Rifan's training was.

There is a light bulb like Kuzan beside her.

So she couldn't do anything to Rifan either.

In this way, two years passed in a flash.

"Well done you two. Then let's go out." Looking at the two, Rifan nodded in satisfaction. "Sadi-chan, your power is already powerful."

"Now even if you are going to seek revenge from Shiryu, I will not stop you."

"Of course, you still have to wait until you use the epiphany room to master spiritual power before you can go, understand?"

"Understood." Sadi-chan nodded heavily.

Thinking that she finally had enough power to seek revenge on Shiryu.

A red light flashed in Sadi chan's eyes.