Chapter 548: New Disciple!

Peach Paradise, Kamabakka Kingdom.

"Hurry up, we must get out of here now!"

"There is still something over there, hurry up!"

"But, do we really have to leave? This is obviously our paradise!"

"This is something that can't be helped. When the [Authority List] started, our place had already been exposed to the World Government. They will definitely find a way to arrest people here."

"Yes, they now have Ancient Weapon in their hands. Maybe they can give us a shot directly from afar, and we will be finished.

A group of beautifully dressed but muscular ladyboys ran around in the Kingdom, packing their own things.

The Revolutionary Army ordered Ivankov and the commander of the Eastern Army, Belo Betty, to leave the Kingdom as soon as possible.

Ivankov guided everyone to move things while looking at the surrounding scenery with nostalgia.

"Sigh, I didn't expect to leave here because of the golden list."

Ivankov sighed deeply.

"There is no other way." Bello said, "The Marine handed over Ancient Weapon Pluton to the World Government. There is news that they are driving Pluton towards us now."

"Now that we don't have the strength to fight Pluton, it's better to avoid it."

"Anyway, judging from the current world situation, I am afraid that the World Government will not last long."

Hearing this, Ivankov also laughed: "If you say that leaving here can be exchanged for the downfall of the World Government, that would be great, Hihah!"

"Yeah." Betty sighed, thinking of Rifan who made the situation so much in her mind. "If one of our revolutionary armies can become a disciple of His Excellency Rifan, maybe we don't have to leave this place at all now."

"Yes." Ivankov said with a smile, "It's just that Rifan's dojo is really hard to find. Otherwise, we must make a few more revolutionary soldiers his disciples."

While talking, the two walked to the end of the street.

"Huh? What's that?" Ivankov frowned and looked away.

There, several monsters were standing in front of a building.

"Wait, isn't that a dojo?!" Betty also saw the scene ahead.

While surprised in her heart, she speeded up her pace and ran over.

"Wait for me, Betty!"

Ivankov exclaimed and hurriedly followed.

Dressrosa, martial arts training hall, in the epiphany room.

"Good job you two. It took only three days for you to master Reiatsu."

Seeing Sadi-chan and Kuzan in front of him, Rifan nodded in satisfaction.

"This is inseparable from your kind teaching Teacher Rifan." Sadi-chan clasped Rifan's arms tightly, making no secret of her affection for Rifan. "Now, Teacher Rifan, I'm improving so fast, can you reward me with something?"

"What do you want me to reward you?" Rifan glanced at Sadi-chan.

"It's not a big deal, it's just that…I want to be closer to you…Teacher Rifan." Sadi-chan blushed, looking at Rifan expectantly.

"Cough!." Kuzan coughed loudly to announce his presence and said, "Then I'd leave first, Teacher Rifan."

With that said, Kuzan stepped forward and left the epiphany room.

Although Kuzan doesn't care much about the relationship between men and women, as a single man, he has been watching Sadi-chan treat Rifan like this.

He couldn't stand it either.

Now that the training is over, Kuzan wants to find a quiet place to have a good rest.

'Good job Kuzan!' Sadi-chan's mouth curled up slightly,

"Now, Teacher Rifan, let's continue."

As she said, she moved her head to Rifan.

"Sadi, you go to a place with me first." Rifan stretched out his finger against Sadi chan's red lips with a smile.

'Go to a place? Does Teacher Rifan want to find a more secret place?!' Sadi-chan was overjoyed thinking about it.

"How about it, do you want to walk with me?"

"Of course, please let me go with you!"

How could Sadi-chan hesitate? So she immediately nodded and agreed.

"In that case, let's go now." Rifan put his hand on her shoulder. At the next moment, Rifan used the dojo authority to transfer himself and Sadi chan to a new dojo.

"We're here."

Rifan flicked Sadi-chan's forehead and said with a smile.

"Already?" Sadi-chan looked around suspiciously, "Isn't this a dojo?"

"It is indeed a dojo." Rifan nodded, "It is a new dojo, and there will be newcomers coming later, so I thought it would be nice to bring you here to meet new colleagues in advance.

Hearing Rifan's words, Sadi-chan immediately showed a disappointed expression.

Just then, a loud noise came from outside the door.