Chapter 549: New Disciple Ivankov?

"I still can't open it. Why can't we open the door of Rifan's dojo?"

"Could it be that His Excellency Rifan is rejecting us? Yeah! Don't pull me, I really want to be a disciple of Rifan and get close to a man like Teacher Rifan!"

"Me too, so am I. It would be better if I could get closer to Teacher Rifan!"

"Could it be that this is the test of His Excellency Rifan to us?"

"Yes, that's right, this must be the test of Teacher Rifan to us. How about we call him passionately?"

"Okay, do it together, se–no please open the door, Lord Rifan, we like you and want to be your disciple!'

Inside the dojo, Rifan, who had just teleported here with Sadi-chan, frowned.

Annoyingly look outside the door, and then he sighed deeply.

As the owner, he naturally knew the location of this dojo.

It's just that he also knows what the people of this kingdom are, so he has never thought about meeting suitable disciples here.

After all, it is impossible for him to really accept a strong man wearing a skirt and big lipstick as a disciple.

Fortunately, not long ago, he sensed a more suitable person approaching here.

So he brought Sadi chan to this place.

"Sadi-chan, do you hear the sounds outside?"

"Of course, Teacher Rifan." Sadi-chan glanced outside the door, "Teacher Rifan, those voices are so ugly."

"Is it bad?" Rifan's mouth curled up, "I feel the same way, so can you help me drive them away?"

"Yes!" Sadi-chan raised her mouth and walked towards the gate of the dojo.

At this time, outside the dojo, Belo Betty and Ivankov had already arrived.

"It is really Rifan's dojo?!" Ivankov's eyes widened. "I wonder if His Excellency Rifan will accept me as his disciple?"

Betty glanced at him, wanting to remind him that Rifan was disgusted with him before.

But considering that as a colleague, Betty finally swallowed the words in her mouth.


The gate of the dojo suddenly opened, and the ladyboys were overjoyed and wanted to rush into the dojo.

However, before they started to take a step, the pressure fell on them.

"This is Conqueror's Haki? No, it doesn't seem to be right." Ivankov's face was covered with sweat, "Is Rifan angry?"

"Sorry, Teacher Rifan doesn't want to see you, so please go back to wherever you come from."

Sadi-chan appeared in front of the door, staring coldly at the few ladyboys gathered in front of the door.

The ladyboys swallowed and wanted to say something.

However, Sadi-chan didn't intend to listen at all, and directly increased the release of Reiatsu.

In the next moment, the ladyboys could no longer bear the pressure and knelt on the ground.

"Okay, that's enough Sadi-chan."

Rifan's voice came from inside the dojo.

Although he didn't like the few ladyboys in front of the door, he wouldn't let Sadi chan really hurt them.

"Okay, Teacher Rifan."

Hearing Rifan's words, Sadi-chan immediately changed her expression and happily put away her Reiatsu.

The ladyboys were relieved and looked at Sadi chan with lingering fears.

They naturally know the identity of Sadi-chan, one of the two winners in the first contest of the martial arts dojo.

In other words, she is the latest official disciple of Rifan. Rifan's formal disciples have now become a symbol of strength.

Facing Sadi-chan, they naturally dare not make any noise like just now.

It's just that they are a little bit reluctant to leave like this.

"Well, you guys can leave."

"Since Your Excellency Rifan doesn't like you, it is impossible for you to become his disciple."

At this moment, Ivankov stepped over.

Hearing Ivankov's words, the ladyboys nodded one after another, stood up, and walked away.

After a few people walked away, Ivankov immediately shouted to the dojo: "Your Excellency Rifan, they are all gone.


There was a moment of silence, and Ivankov touched his head.

"Um, I'm glad you can build the dojo here. I don't know if I have the honor to enter your dojo?"

"No!" Rifan said firmly, "Ivankov, do you remember what I told you before?"

"Before?" Ivankov frowned.

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember, Sadi-chan, help me let that guy remember what I said."

"Yes, Teacher Rifan." Sadi-chan raised the corner of her mouth, took out the whip behind her, and flicked it toward Ivankov.