Chapter 550: A Gunman!

Rifan has not forgotten that Ivankov has made several comments to him on the golden list.

Although it wouldn't make Rifan angry, Ivankov really disgusted him.

Even Rifan thought that after encountering Ivankov, he should teach him a lesson.

Now that he encountered him again, Rifan didn't mind letting the disciples who followed him teach him.

Since Ivankov bullied Sadi-chan in the original, it's now Sadi-chan's turn to bully him.

Thinking of this, Rifan put down the tea cup in his hand and glanced at Ivankov who was hoisted with a whip by Sadi chan outside the window.

Belo Betty embraced her arms, but she didn't stop Sadi chan.

After all, anyone can tell that Sadi chan is just teaching him a lesson, and she didn't really hurt Ivankov.

'This woman is much better than those ladyboys…'

Looking at Belo Betty, Rifan thought in his heart.

Finally, a more normal-looking person came, and Rifan didn't want the dojo to be surrounded by ladyboys after she slipped away.

So he beckon her,

"The woman over there who wears a hat and doesn't seem to wear underwear, don't look around, it's you."

"Do you want to come in and sit down?"

Betty was watching Sadi chan teach Ivankov with great interest.

She suddenly heard Rifan's words and was startled, and immediately looked inside the dojo.

"Lord Rifan is calling me? " Betty muttered to herself.

"Go in." Sadi chan looked at Belo Betty and said, "Master Rifan brought me here because she found a suitable disciple."

"Since he wants you to come, it should be you who he is talking about."

As Sadi chan who supports Rifan in her heart, she knows what kind of people Rifan likes and dislikes.

The ladyboy just now, and Ivankov in front of her, is obviously not the type that Rifan likes.

Apart from them, Belo Betty is the only one left.

"Lord Rifan intends to accept me as a disciple?!" Betty was so surprised that she didn't even notice the cigarette falling from her mouth.

After a second, she finally reacted and ran into the dojo in haste.

Originally, she saw that Rifan asked Sadi chan to drive away the ladyboys and taught Ivankov a lesson. Betty thought that Rifan did not intend to accept people including herself as disciples.

But now that she knows from Sadi-chan's mouth that she has a chance, Betty is quite excited!

'After becoming disciples of Rifan, we don't have to leave this island. '

'If I can use my power to destroy the Ancient Weapon of the World Government, maybe we don't have to give up any territory at all!' Betty thought.

"It turns out that Rifan wants to accept Betty as a disciple!? That's great! Now our revolutionary army will have the power to confront the World government!" Ivankov exclaimed.


"Come on, sit!" Seeing Betty rushing into the dojo, Rifan, who was sitting at the table drinking tea, raised his hand and beckoned to Beatty.

Betty took a deep breath and walked lightly to Rifan's side.

"This is a disciple token, drop your blood."

Rifan handed the token to Betty.

Seeing Rifan's directness, Betty was a little confused this time.

" Lord Rifan, did you accept me as a disciple so easily?"

"Don't care about the details." Rifan smiled, "Although I won't join the revolutionary army, I agree with your revolutionary army's ideas."

"So basically, as long as you members of the Revolutionary Army find my dojo, I will agree to one of you becoming my disciple."

"Of course, except Ivankov."

"For people like him, I can't physically accept it."

Upon hearing this, Betty smiled.

It seems that not becoming a person like Ivankov is a wise decision she made.

After understanding why Rifan accepted herself, Belo Betty did not hesitate to drip blood on the disciple token.

Soon, the disciple information belonging to Betty appeared behind the token.

One name: Belo Betty

-Age: 30 years old

One training direction: Gunman

'A gunman?' After taking the disciple token, Rifan raised his eyebrows.

But this is not bad. In this way, the Zanpakutō [The Wolves] I got earlier will also have a master. "

'Speaking of which, this woman seems to smell like a gunman.'

Rifan looked at Betty in front of him, while thinking in his heart.
