Chapter 553: Great News!

"Teacher Rifan!"

Seeing Rifan appear, Sadi chan immediately abandoned Ivankov and ran to Rifan's side.

Rifan touched Sadi chan's head behind him, and then looked at Ivankov who was still tied up.

"Tsk, it's disgusting." Thinking of Ivankov's male body, and looking at Ivankov, who was in a female body, Rifan couldn't help but wince.

"Sadi-chan, let this guy down."

"Okay, Teacher Rifan~" Sadi chan nodded and removed the rope tied to Ivankov.


"Ahem, thank you Lord Rifan." Ivankov struggled to stand up from the ground and glanced at Rifan in awe.

"That, Lord Rifan, where is Betty?"

"She is doing further training with my clone in the Epiphany Room." Rifan pointed behind him with his thumb, "It may take a few days before you can see her."

"By the way, she asked me to tell you something."

"She said that you don't need to prepare to escape from this country."

"She will use the power she got from me to fight against the World Government."

"It is precisely for this reason that she will go directly to the Epiphany Room for further training without any intermission."

Hearing Rifan's words, Ivankov almost jumped up excitedly.

Just kidding, "Peach Paradise" Kamabaka Kingdom is his territory.

Originally, he didn't want to move away from this paradise. But due to the World Government, he didn't have a choice.

Now that Rifan says he doesn't need to move, how could he be unhappy?

"It's great. Not only we don't have to move out here, but we can also own Rifan's dojo here!"

"Today is my lucky day!"

Ivankov was so happy that he even danced in front of Rifan.

Only the next moment, Rifan's words poured cold water on his head.

"Sorry, I randomly distributed my dojos to all over the world."

"Being put in here, it is purely a "beautiful" accident."

"After I finish Betty's training, it's almost time for me to move the dojo to another place."

"Eh?" Ivankov froze instantly, turning his head mechanically to look at Rifan. "Lord Rifan, do you really want to move?"

"Of course!" Rifan frowned, "By the way, you should change back to the appearance of a man, it's weird."

"Oh!" Ivankov opened his mouth, and finally returned to his normal form.

"By the way, Lord Rifan, can I inform Dragon what happened here?"

Ivankov asked.

Because Sadi-chan had locked him with a whip before, so until now he has not had time to inform the Revolutionary Army that Betty has become a disciple of Rifan.

"You are free to do what you want, I don't care about it."

"Sadi chan, ignore this guy and accompany me to the next game of chess."

After informing Ivankov of Betty's request, Rifan was no longer interested in continuing to chat with him.

Turned around and walked back  inside the dojo…

Sadi chan, who heard Rifan's words, naturally followed closely behind.

Ivankov wanted to go in with him, but thinking of Rifan's attitude towards him, he finally stopped in front of the dojo door.

But soon, he cheered up, took out the den-den mushi on his body and dialed the number of Dragon.


"I'll tell you a great thing!"

"Escape? No need to escape. World Government or Ancient Weapons, they are all nothing!"

"I'm not sick, don't worry!"

"Okay, don't interrupt me, let me tell you, Rifan's dojo has appeared in the kingdom of Kamabakka, and now I'm standing in front of the dojo!"

"I didn't lie to you, it's true!"

"Not only that, Rifan is still accepting disciples here, guess who he accepted?"

"Huh? You guessed it, Rifan did accept Belo Betty."

"However, why don't you think it will be me?"

"What, why do you say that Rifan will not accept a local of this palace as his disciple, although he did not accept me."

"Okay, come soon to the kingdom of Kamabakka."

"Btw, Betty said she will resist the Ancient Weapon of the World Government in the future!"

"Yes, she will use the power that Rifan's teach her to scrap the Ancient Weapon that the World Government has just obtained!"

"Hip-hop! I can't wait to see the frustrated look of the Four Elders and Im!"