Chapter 554: Training Complete-Time to move! 

New World, somewhere in the sea.

In the revolutionary ship, Dragon put down the den-den mushi in his hand.

The face that used to be very composed, but now it seems very excited.

"Chief, is what Ivankov said true?"

Sabo walked behind Dragon and asked with concern.

On the side of Sabo, there stood the former Shichibukai Tyrant Kuma, army commanders and other senior leaders of the revolutionary army.

Like Sabo, they are also concerned about what Ivankov said.

They only came to Dragon's side later, so they could not fully hear the dialogue between Dragon and Ivankov.

But just a few words are enough to make them interested!

"Haha, it's true." Dragon turned around and looked at the cadres who worked with him for so long.

"This time, someone from our revolutionary army has really become a disciple of Rifan, and she is an official disciple."

"Betty, who became Rifan's new disciple will become the backbone of our fight against the World Government and Marine."

Even if he hasn't seen Betty's growth, Dragon has been able to assert that Betty will gain overwhelming power compared to the Marine and World Government!

"Great, now we don't need to be afraid of Ancient Weapons from the World Government side!"

"Hehe, what is Ancient Weapon? Compared to being a disciple of Rifan, Ancient Weapon is just rubbish."

"Haha, although what you said is a bit exaggerated, it is true. I now want to see what kind of power Betty will gain."

"Yes, Boss, let's go to Ivankov's side now!"

"That's right, since our original base has been destroyed, let's move the base to Ivankov's side."

People in the revolutionary army talked a lot.

Hearing what they said, Dragon nodded with a smile on his face.

"Boss, I have a question." At this time, Sabo spoke. "After Lord Rifan accepts Betty, he should still accept two outer disciples."

"These two outer disciples should choose among us."

Hearing this, Dragon smiled: "You and I think the same, Sabo."

"However, it is Rifan who chooses this kind of thing in the end, and perhaps Betty has a certain degree of recommendation."

"If it is for me to recommend, I hope that you can study under Rifan guidance, Sabo."

Sabo is the strongest among the younger generation of the revolutionary army.

In addition to strength, Sabo is very similar to Dragon in resourcefulness and temperament.

Therefore, Dragon hopes that Sabo can go to Rifan side to train, after all, Sabo is likely to take over the revolutionary army in the future.

"I also hope to be chosen as an outer disciple of Lord Rifan." Sabo's mouth curled up. "The future leader of the Revolutionary Army has become a disciple of Rifan. Just spreading such news is enough to make Marines and the World Government afraid."

"Although Lord Rifan will not interfere too much with the enmity between his disciples and others."

"But to a certain extent, Lord Rifan is also quite short-sighted." Dragon smiled: "It's too early to think about this, so let's go to Ivankov's side."

"Everyone, turn the rudder, we have to change course to go to Kalbaka Kingdom!"

"Oh oh!!" the revolutionary army raised their hands and shouted.

At the same time, on the other side of the sea, a large black warship was advancing idly in the location of the Kingdom of Kalbaka.

It is the Ancient Weapon- Pluton!


Six days later, the Kingdom of Kalbaka, inside the dojo.

"Congratulations, you have finally gained spiritual power from your training."

In the epiphany room, Rifan clapped his hands, expressing his/congratulations to Betty.

After all, Betty's talent cannot be compared with Sadi-chan and Kuzan.

Therefore, it took twice as much time to awaken spiritual power as the two of them.

"Fuuuh…" Betty took a long breath and stood up from the ground with both hands on the ground.

"It turns out that awakening spiritual power is so difficult."

Although it was only a few days of practice, Betty felt it's more difficult than her training in the time training chamber.

"After all, it is to produce a kind of strength in the body that is not part of the body, and the difficulties are naturally conceivable." Rifan patted Betty on the shoulder. "However, the hard work has finally paid off, isn't it?"

"Moreover, the Ancient Weapon of the World Government has not yet reached this area.

"You also have some time to adjust your state."

"Of course, don't forget, your "The wolves" are after all a weapon that consumes a lot of spiritual energy."

"Even if you have learned spiritual power, remember to use this power carefully."

Hearing this, Betty smiled and nodded.

"Of course, I will use this power for the world government without wasting the least, hehe."

Rifan didn't comment on her answer, he just smiled and pointed outside the door, and took the lead to walk outside the epiphany room. 

Betty is naturally close behind.