Chapter 555: Beauty List—

"Congratulations, Betty, you are finally out!"

"As expected of a disciple of Lord Rifan. Your aura alone is quite oppressive."

"Haha, how do you feel Betty, you have become more beautiful, you seem to be more mature!"

"Also,you changed into a pure white dress. I almost didn't recognize you."

"However, how does it feel that this dress resembles the "Arrancar" dress?"

"Could it be that the power Lord Rifan gave you is "Zanpakutō"?!"

As soon as they walked out of the epiphany room, a voice of congratulations reached Betty's ears inside the dojo.

Betty blinked and glanced at the people in front of her.

It was found that the top revolutionary army leaders, including Dragon, Sabo, and Kuma, were all here.

"Everyone, are you here?"

Betty said in surprise.

"We arrived a day ago." Dragon stepped forward and looked at Betty with relief. "It's just that, because Lord Rifan said that you need a day to stabilize your power, so we stayed outside first."

"Until not long ago, Lord Rifan notified us, so we came here."

"Betty, can you tell everyone what kind of power you have now?"

"Although I have asked Lord Rifan, he said he should let you answer it yourself."

Hearing Dragon's words, Betty smiled and pulled out the Zanpakutō 'The Wolves' from her waist.

"As you can see, the power I inherited is Arrancar NO.1's 'The Wolf'."

"Although I can't do as he pleases with it, dealing with the Pluton battleship of the World Government, there should be no problem."

"Of course, this is the evaluation given by Teacher Rifan."

Having said that, Betty gave Rifan a grateful look.

"Well, you should have something to do."

"I feel that the fleet of the World Government is not far from this country."

Seeing everyone turning their eyes to him, Rifan laughed and said. 

Hearing what Rifan said, Dragon nodded and turned his gaze to Betty.

At this time, even as the leader of the revolutionary army, he still needs to follow Betti's opinion.

"Let's go, everyone." Betty clenched her fists. "It's time to declare to the World Government and Marines that we have the power to fight them!"

After speaking, Betty took the lead out of the dojo and walked towards the coast.

Dragon, Sabo and others followed closely behind.

However, not waiting for them to take a few steps.

A huge screen suddenly dropped in the sky.

The golden list appears again!

"So it's already time for the golden list to be issued." Betty glanced at the sky. "I don't know, will I have a chance to be on the [Beauty List] list."

Although Betty is confident about her appearance.

But the world is so big and there are so many beauties, the golden list will definitely not let all beauties on the [Beauty List] list.

Therefore, even Betty does not have the confidence to be on the list.

"If it's Big Sister Betty, you will definitely be on the list." The petite and lovely Koala jumped to Belo Betty's side and said.

Koala is not just complimenting her.

Perhaps because of spiritual power through Reiatsu training, Betty hasn't changed much in appearance.

But she has a cold and attractive temperament.

"Hehe, thank you, Koala." Betty touched Koala's head, "You will be on the list, too."


[Redhead Shanks: Oh, it's been ten days, the golden list has appeared again. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Red hair, I think you are drunk, and you forgot the time when the golden list appeared again. ]

[Redhead Shanks: Hahaha, we are indeed having a banquet. ]

[Beast Kaido: Tsk, this time the golden list is not interesting. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Mamama~, Kaido, you don't like this list because you don't have a chance to get a place on the "beauty list".]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararara~, now that the golden list has appeared, let's take a look. Although the first place in the "Beauty List" is unknown, there is a high probability of being Rifan's disciple. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: The world's first beauty empress Hancock, the mermaid Princess Shirahoshi. I think one of the two have a chance to take the 1st place of the Beauty List. ]


New World, the waters near the Kingdom of Kamabakka. On a huge black battleship, the curly head elder in a black suit glanced at the sky.

At this moment, his eyes have been attracted by the distant kingdom of Kamabakka.

"We're here, go ahead at full speed, and prepare to bombard that island!"
