
The maid in green immediately chased after Syrena.

"Sorry, Princess, where are you going?" asked the maid as she grabbed one of Princess Ruxenia's wrists.

"Of course, I want to meet the demon!" said Syrena curtly, then pulled her hand from the maid's grip and walked down the hall.

"No, Princess!" the black-haired maid intercepted Syrena.

"Why? I'm his wife!" said Syrena firmly.

Syrena felt disgusted when her mouth acknowledged that she had become Prince Agenor's wife.

"Sorry, Princess! Prince is taking a hot bath in his private pool! Usually prince~."

Ignoring the maid, Syrena walked briskly out of the basement.

[Geez! I have to stay in the basement, and he forbid me to get bathing! Whereas he was relaxing and taking a warm bath! We'll see! I'll mess up while he has fun with his pet girls.]

Syrena met a man she seemed to have met before, after a while of walking.

"Tell me! Where is Prince Agenor's bathing pool?" Syrena asked bluntly.

The man in all black greeted Syrena politely. Even though he didn't smile, Syrena guessed that he wasn't a wicked person.

"Let me accompany you, Your Majesty!" the black-haired man gestured for Syrena to follow him.

Ignored the nervous maid in green, Syrena followed the guide's lead.

"Prince is in there!" the man pointed to the golden door.

"Thank you. What's your name?" asked Syrena. The man in all black accepted Princess Ruxenia's thanks.

"I'm Flynt, Prince Agenor's right-hand man," said Flynt politely.

[No wonder I've seen this man before. He turns out to be the devil's right hand.]

Walked away from Flynt, Syrena entered Prince Agenor's bathhouse. The atmosphere in the bathhouse was tranquil. Contrary to what Syrena thought, she had guessed the second prince Lagardioz was enjoying a warm bath with the girls.

Inside the spacious bathhouse, there were various flowers. The room roof was made of partial glass to allow sunlight to illuminate the bath. On the room pillars, towered vines add to the beautiful impression.

Syrena's hand shifted the golden curtain, and her eyes widened when she saw her husband shirtless.

Prince Agenor leaned against the pool wall with outstretched wings and looked slightly surprised.

"A peeper blatant!" Agenor quipped, causing the princess to blush.

A hand with red paint pulled back the curtains to block the prince's view, who was bathing in warm water. Syrena's heart was pounding.

"I'm not peeking!" the brunette princess said spontaneously behind the curtains.

The sound of dripping water from behind the curtain was coming closer. It looked like the black-winged prince rose from the bathtub.

Even though Syrena knew her husband was approaching, she still jumped because of the harsh sound of the curtains opening. Moreover, when a tall, well-built figure was shirtless right behind the brown-haired her.

"Really? Then, why are you here?" asked Agenor sarcastically.

Agenor and Syrena's eyes met again. The prince's golden eyes seem intimidating. She thought better not to take a bath than meet her husband's horrible gaze.

Escape! Immediately Syrena stepped away from Prince Agenor. However, the white-haired prince hugged her from behind before the grey-eyed princess could run.

"I'm just lost... Erm... I mean, I want to take a bath! Oops, no... no... No! Ah yes, I want to take a bath but not here~." She didn't know why her tongue became so numb.

[Just one day living in my castle already want to mess up, huh?]

The princess was surprised when a pair of burly arms lifted her body.

For a moment, the brunette princess was mesmerized. Her eyes could see the scars on Agenor's body from close range.

Of course, the most struck scar was the one on the prince's right chest. The wound starts from under the neck to under the armpit. Very terrible.

[Ah, this guy is a real fighter. He led the troops, not just sitting behind a table. No wonder he's nicknamed a demon on the battlefield.]

Princess Ruxenia's body pressed against Prince Agenor's wet skin. It felt like Syrena's heart would explode at that moment.

[Will he ask me to take a bath together? No, Syrena! This can't be happening!]

"Please let me go! Don't touch me carelessly! I can take a bath myself!"

Unfortunately, the golden-eyed man didn't respond at all. Agenor's face was expressionless, just like the statues that graced the palace gardens. Meanwhile, the prince's steps were getting closer to the bathing pool.

"Please let me go!" Syrena struggled again.

Suddenly Syrena's body floated in the air and then fell into the pool. The sound of the crash was loud. Splashes of water spread and made wet around the pool.

The Brunette princess woke up. Prince Agenor has thrown her wife into the pool, reminding Syrena about the Kolasius cliffs nightmare.

"Aahhh!" Syrena's head poked out of the water. Princess Ruxenia's mouth opened wide and caught the air. The princess's grey eyes saw the black-winged figure had his back to her like he had just thrown out the trash.

"Hey! Why did you throw me?" snarled Syrena in annoyance.

"I only obeyed you, Princess." Lagardioz's second prince's face looked cold as he turned his head without turning his body.

Clenched her hands tightly, Syrena cursed while Prince Agenor was in the same room.

Agenor's body disappeared behind the curtains as if he didn't care about Syrena's curse. However, from the curtain gap at the bottom, Syrena saw the white-haired man taking off the towel and wearing black pants.

A few moments later, the butler came to help the black-winged man put on a shirt. Well, the presence of wings on the prince's back made it a little difficult for Agenor to put on clothes without the help of others. Of course, the clothes are different from those worn by men usually.

When he finished dressing, Agenor pulled back the curtains. The second prince's eyes stared at a dreamy-looking Syrena.

"Don't daydream like a fool! Hurry up and finish your bath! I'm waiting for you in the dining room!"

Blinked many times, Syrena realised she had just acted stupidly before Prince Agenor. Without waiting for Syrena to answer, the white-haired prince left the bathhouse.

[Huuff, finally, that monstrous man left this place.]

Soaking in the warm water defrosts the brunette princess's frozen heart. The princess felt better because of the energy that filled her heart.

Not long ago, Syrena soaked in warm water; two maids came with a change of clothes. The two of them waited for Syrena to shower and then helped her get dressed.

"Let me accompany you to the dining room, Your Majesty. Prince Agenor is waiting," said the lady with the mole under her eye. The girl's face looked uneasy.

"What's wrong? You seem worried?" Syrena Investigated the maid.

"It's all right, princess. Better you do not let Prince Agenor wait long," replied the maid immediately.

Although suspicious, Syrena could only be silent. As a foreign, the princess didn't know her husband's character.

After a few steps, Syrena heard the sound of repeated lashes and the screams of a girl she seemed to know. The princess's curiosity demanded to be satisfied.

"What happened?" Syrena asked the two maids.

"The prince is punishing a maid girl." explained the maid with the mole under her eye.

"What's wrong with her? How can she get such a cruel punishment?" asked Syrena again.

"Evania, Princess. The maid who served you. She got punished because you refuse to stay in the provided room, Your Majesty." The thick-lipped servant girl explained in more detail.

"What do you mean by room? That demon provided a warehouse for me! I don't think the maids in this palace sleep in such a dark, damp, musty, and dirty place!" cried Syrena excitedly.

Without thought, Syrena ran towards the source of the whipped sound. Spontaneously, the two maids chase the princess. Of course, the two maids were worried that they would have the same fate as Evania.

"Princess, don't! Have mercy on us!" shouted the two servant girls as they gripped Syrena's sleeves.

Syrena's Gray Eyes seemed puzzled. The brunette princess didn't care at all about the request of the two servants by her side.

While in front of Evania, Syrena's eyes widened when she saw the clothes on the black-haired girl's back were torn apart.

"Stop it!" cried Syrena.

The whip-carrying guard stopped the lashing and momentarily saw on Syrena.

"Don't punish her! The girl is innocent!" said Syrena fearlessly.

"Who are you?" asked the big man in the sleeveless shirt.

"I am Princess Syrena, Prince Agenor's wife."

Again, Syrena had to swallow bitter saliva because she mentioned the name of the man who had married her.

"Just a mistress; why are you so pretentious? The whip-bearing man smiled condescendingly.

In the continent of Exosialand, weddings without parties were only for mistresses. No one will recognise her as the legal wife in a man's extended family.

Syrena's fists clenched tightly. Princess Ruxenia couldn't wait to hit a fist into the unethical mouth before her. Although Syrena was married without a party, the marriage became a symbol of the political relations between the two kingdoms.

"Watch your words! Place yourself as part of it. Here my position is higher than yours!" Syrena said with her arms folded across her chest.

"And you are no higher than me." A man's baritone voice startled Syrena.

Prince Agenor walked towards Syrena together with Flynt, causing the two maids in red uniforms shiver in fear.