Second Chance

"Prince Agenor, don't be sad!"

A man with brown hair surprised little Agenor, who was watching his stepbrother practice swordsmanship.

"I'm weak, Emil!"

"I don't think so, Your Majesty. I have a feeling you will become the strongest man in Lagardioz."

Little Agenor didn't respond to Emil's words. Everyone knew he fainted while running around the palace grounds.

"Do you still want to practice fighting?" asked Emil while staring at little Agenor.

"Yes. But I think it impossible anymore." Agenor stared away. He didn't like people seeing his sad face.

"I can help you if you want it," Emil spoke while watching Prince Federline play with his sword.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. But there is a requirement."

"What's that?"

"Promise me never to look weak in front of anyone. I will again ask the queen for permission to train you. Maybe the queen will again ask you to run around the palace grounds or do another test. Promise not to faint again! Okay!"

The light of Agenor's eyes, which had dimmed, shone again. The prince looked excited again.

"Yes, I promise."

Because of Emil's help, the queen was allowing little Agenor to follow the physical training. And then, he grew up to be a strong young man.

"Your Majesty, remember my words. The world is cruel. He will never show mercy to the weak. Be strong! Then no one will look down on you anymore!"


The day was raining hard. The soldiers were still swinging swords, throwing spears, and shooting arrows.

"Your Majesty, the rain is getting heavier. You'd better get into the tent." said the man in all black.

"I see their strength under the pouring rain. We will never know how tough the battlefield we will face. Therefore, physical preparation before the battle is crucial."

Flynt nodded in understanding. His master was indeed very obsessed with power.

"I'm afraid you catch a cold, Your Majesty. Princess Syrena will worry about you."


Agenor suddenly remembered the woman who had been in bed last night. But could Syrena be worried about him?

"You seem enthusiastic in talking about that woman."

Agenor stared intently at the black-haired man beside him.

"I apologise, Your Majesty. I didn't mean to be not polite." Flynt immediately lowered his head in apology.

"Pull your sword, Flynt!" The prince ordered firmly.

Hearing his master's orders, Flynt became embarrassed.

"Don't you want to chat with me, Flynt?"

"Yes, I do want to chat with you, Your Majesty," Flynt replied immediately.

The black-winged prince drew his long sword. Inevitably Flynt also did the same thing.

"Looks like it would be more fun if we chatted while fighting."

Flynt was flabbergasted. He regretted having offended his master's mistress.

In the pouring rain, Flynt attacked his master with a sword. As Agenor's right-hand man, he often serves his master to become his opponent fight.

But he didn't expect his master would ask him to fight just because Flynt mentioned his master's relationship with Princess of Ruxenia.

Flynt swung his sword right and left. Prince Agenor could easily dodge the black-haired man's attack.

"Do you think she'll care about me?" said Agenor as he swung the sword. Flynt fends off Agenor's attack.

Flynt only guessed that his master's relationship was improving because they had recently spent the night together.

Moreover, when Princess Ruxenia was sick, Prince Agenor seemed to care much about her. Flynt realised that the Ruxenia king forced Princess Syrena to marry Prince Agenor. However, with recent events, he began to change his mind.

"I think so, Your Majesty." Flynt countered Agnor's barrage.

Agenor smirked; he jumped flying to avoid Flynt's ferocious attack.

Even in rainy conditions, Prince Agenor's wings could still function properly. A special wax coating covers the outermost part of the prince's wings, so they become waterproof.

Agenor chuckled when he heard Flynt's opinion about his relationship with the princess of Ruxenia inwardly.

Even Syrena looked disliked her marriage. However, for Prince Agenor, most an essential thing for him was, of course, to get his child as soon as possible.

"Prince, you cheated! You flew to avoid my attack!" shouted Flynt in the pouring rain.

"I'm not cheating. I'm only fighting using all my limbs."

From a height, Agenor swooped down while swinging the sword. Unexpectedly, Flynt was able to withstand his master's attack. However, the prince was pushing him back.

The black-winged princes backed away, then feet on the ground. He again attacked Flynt with extra power. Not only sword slashes, but occasionally Agenor was also kicking Flynt. Flynt was indeed a suitable bodyguard for Prince Agenor, which was one of the reasons.

Flynt and Agenor had been fighting for a long time in the rain, causing the soldiers even more excited when they saw their leader also fighting in the pouring rain.

"All right, let's finish this fight, Flynt!"

The prince slid to kick Flynt's leg, but the man in all black jumped up. Agenor quickly got up and kicked Flynt's hand. The kick caused Flynt's sword to fall off. Then, the prince pointed his sword at Flynt's neck. The fight is over.

"Your fighting skills have improved a lot," praise the second prince of Lagardioz.

"That's because I often train with you, Your Majesty." Flynt lowered his head.

After they finished fighting, Agenor and Flynt returned to see their troops, who were enthusiastically training.

"Flynt, please tell me the truth. Am I an ugly man? Especially after my body has transformed?"

Flynt turned to look at his master. In terms of body shape, he can say that Prince Agenor has the ideal body shape of a perfect man in the Lagardioz kingdom.

His body was healthy and strong. Although there were many scars on his body, his face was handsome. He has thick eyebrows, a sharp nose, elbow jaw and thin lips. He was indeed the dream of the noble ladies in Lagardioz kingdom.

"You are the idol of the noble ladies in this land. How could I think you are ugly?" Flynt answered in astonishment.

"Why do you think a woman doesn't want to have sex, even though she's already married to a man?"

Flynt thought for a moment because he didn't want to talk nonsense that got him into trouble.

"I think the most reasonable is because the woman does not love him. Maybe she loves another man, or her husband is not to her criteria."

The second prince of Lagardioz was silent, contemplating his bodyguard's words. He confirmed Flynt's words about the noble ladies being infatuated with him. So he thought, Syrena couldn't possibly think of him as an ugly man.

Instead, Prince Agenor thought about the possibility that Syrena had liked another man. Thinking about it made the prince's chest feel hot in the pouring rain. His hands clenched tightly.
