Fashion desainer

The aroma of rosebud tea wafted on the balcony. A princess and prince sat opposite each other while occasionally sipping warm drinks in cups. They had been chatting for so long that their rosebud tea was almost gone.

"Brother, why are you rushing back to Ruxenia?"

The brown-haired man put his cup on the table.

"I'm not here for a vacation, Sister! My business here is done. So I have to go back soon."

Syrena's face turned gloomy. After all, she had just returned to comfort in Prince Agenor's castle after days of grey days in prison.

"I know how you feel. But I also have other responsibilities in Ruxenia."

Endymion's lips curved upwards. The prince tried to comfort his older sister.

"If you miss me or need help, don't hesitate to send a letter."

Syrena couldn't stop her brother from leaving; she could only nod. Today was a special day for Syrena to have tea together before her brother returned to Ruxenia.