
Unbeknownst to Syrena. Agenor continued to stare at her. The princess was too busy talking about her new dress for the party.

[Why is she so amazing?]

Agenor's mind wander. He imagined dancing with Syrena in the dress she had designed. Spinning together while holding her slender waist, can also continue to look into her clear eyes.

"Your Majesty?" Deborah surprised Agenor. The man could barely hide his surprise.

"What's up?"

"Do you like this design?"

Deborah showed off a black men's suit with a gold eagle-shaped brooch. Previously he did not really care about the design of clothes at the king's birthday party. However, the ladies of the Federline prince are coming. So, Agenor wanted Syrena to be the shining lady.

"Is this a suit that Princess Syrena designed?"


"Then I like it," said Agenor without thinking.


The day Syrena had been waiting for had finally come. Today she would travel to Angelhelm city.