Chapter 3: Visit The Daleks

In the meantime, went inside the tardis and the Agent had arrived at the Daleks while everyone is ready for something that was surprised by his enemy but went everyone are taking some weapons and kept firing the Daleks.

Agent: everyone is ready?

Umezawa: yes we are

Morita: yes

Tamura: can I keep firing this weapon

Agent: yes but that weapon is just only one second firing only

Yamasaki: that suck

Agent: let go of everyone and always keep behind my back

They nodded and he open the door and we see that everywhere have a lot of Daleks and Umezawa and Ayane kept firing the Daleks and Agent protected them and they shot but after that he reload the gun.

Agent: everyone please stop

Ayane: what's wrong on?

Agent: that is the control of the Daleks if I get there and destroy that and cover me

Morita: I will cover you and Tamura will shoot at them with one second gun after that is up to you Senpai

Agent: okay

Once Agent climb the control tower of all the Daleks and after he went up to the tower and saw another The time lords and is was The 13th Doctor who is fighting the Daleks.

Agent: there need some help with the Daleks problem?

Later the 13th doctor saw the other time lords and she saw it was the last vampire family of time lords are saving his planet.

13th doctor: oh hi there I'm the doctor and you are too

Agent: yes but call me Agent

13th doctor: oh right Agent what are you doing here?

Agent: I want to kill the Daleks because they kill my family and my planet are dying and I'm dying too

Sudden, Tamura was shouting at Agent and she said was something important and later she was asked about that to him was.

Tamura: Senpai please hurry up we don't have many bullets left to shoot the Daleks

Later Agent shouts back to Tamura with the Japanese language while the 13th doctor looks at me with a surprised look at Agent.

13th doctor: you can speak a different language to them

Agent: yes of course I can but sorry I need to destroy the control tower with a double sonic screwdriver if you please

13th doctor: sure no problem here you can have mine

Agent: thanks here I go close your ear

While they are closing their ear and went Agent is pressing the button and out of a sudden, a lot of the Daleks are exploded and Agent went down and see that they had died with the exploding but Agent can see that one more had escaped from the but Agent throw something at the last Daleks but he turns around and shoot at Agent and he collapses on the ground but he can't give up now but he keep the fire on the last one of a reminder of the Daleks.

13th doctor: Agent are you okay?

Agent: I'm fine but thank you for helping me and here is my planet logo if ever want to visit please press the button

13th doctor: thank you but we will see you soon

Agent: we will Doctor

13th doctor: you too Agent

The doctor had her own tardis and Agent walked back to the blue police box and opened the door while everyone is worried about Agent and his heart getting weaker every time he want to speak to us.

Ayane: Senpai please stay awake

Umezawa: that is not working Ayane

Tamura: Senpai there anything we could do for you

Agent: no wait...there have something you can do for me

Tamura: sure what it is?

Agent crawl and he points at the small box and she went opens the box and she takes it out and it was a vampire blood tea and mix with sugar and she follows the tea and while she was doing that and she gives to Agent and let him drink it.

Tamura: how was it Senpai?

Agent: much better thanks

Morita: you scared us from back there

Agent: sorry but now I'm fine so let's go back

Yamasaki: sure but where should we go next after we beat the Daleks

Agent: wait...let me see where should we go next

Meanwhile, Agent check that his planet is suddenly recovered from the Daleks but there have two more enemies left which are Cyberman and Sontarans and next he is going to the most of that he hates the most is Sontarans.

Agent: we go and pay a visit to Sontarans

Morita: what is Sontarans?

Agent: they are a warrior race characterised by their ruthlessness and fearlessness of death that is my most hate enemy of all time

Yamasaki: don't worry we will kill them one by one and we can see your planet if it fixes

Agent: I like that idea

Umezawa: so what to next, Senpai?

Agent: we are going to visit the Sontaran's planet

Ayane: it looks like a big potato

Agent: yes they are

After Agent sets the timer and we are off to the Sontarans planet and right we reach at the space and time at the milky way and they open the door of the police box and saw that have so many stars and night and even at the space but Agent is resting at the floor and cover some book on his face later Morita and Yamasaki knee down and ask him some question to Agent.

Yamasaki: Senpai why in the first place that you want us to help you

Agent: because my father said after he gets killed by Sontarans and he says that to me was ''don't give up and keep push yourself and recover the planet once you are done killing the enemy''

Morita: he say that to you right before he had killed

Agent: yes but I can show all of you my vampire family photo if you want to see

Tamura: I want to see your family photo

The agent takes a future tech and opens the family photo when they didn't get killed by the Sontaran's and everyone can see that Agent is smiling on his face but now he can't get too much focus on what happened around his life and he is only one who had survived the last breath of his to save his vampire family of all the time lords and another time lords.