Chapter 4: Visit Sontarans planet

In the meantime, went Agent press the button and we all go to the Sontaran's planet and once we are land and Agent open the door and suddenly they start to shoot Agent but he closes the door that quick but they scared of what just happened outside the door.

Ayane: what happened?

Agent: they are outside

Umezawa: you mean outside?

Agent: yes but I need to surrender myself for them

Yamasaki: what are you crazy about?

Agent: is there any plan or anything?

Morita: just surrender yourself and don't worry about us

Agent: okay here take this

Morita: what for?

Suddenly, Agent put his both hand up and sudden he snap his finger and the tardis is gone don't worry Agent use the power that can kill the Sontaran and they use their gun.

Sontarans: doctor you come here to die

Agent: no I'm not but my name is not the doctor but Agent

They are surprised and they run away from Agent but he signals his tardis back at the Sontaran planet and we can see that Agent are back at the planet.

Ayane: oh my gosh are you okay?

Agent: I'm fine but are you okay?

Umezawa: yes we are fine but where is the Sontaran?

Agent: they start to run away but I did just kill them with a snap of my finger

Yamasaki: well if the Sontarans are dead and what next?

Agent: we are going to a cyberman

Tamura: cyberman that mean half-robot and another half is human

Agent: well that correct

We all go inside the tardis and left the Sontaran's planet and went to the Cyberman and went Agent press the last and final place and he had a call from his family saying that the vampire planet is fixed and he change place to his home planet and we see that Agent planet are fix.

Agent: mom dad I'm home but the mission hasn't finished yet

Later they put a signal to have his support and he closes the door and we face more serious work than ever faces it is his last mission with the crew but if they want to continue with him and have some next journey.

Agent: okay guy here is the last mission together

Ayane: we will miss you

Umezawa: I will miss you

Morita: senpai I want to follow you but I don't know about Ten or Tamura

Yamasaki: I will follow you but Tamura want to go back to japan city

Ayane: I want to go back same with Umezawa

Umezawa: yea I'm sorry but I just want to go back after we defeat the Cyberman

Agent: it's okay I'm not forcing anyone to stay

They agree with Agent and they go and find the Cyberman and kill them once for all after we defeat them and Ayane and Umezawa with Tamura are leaving the group of time lords crew but if Rena wants to follow the agent back just like the normal fight with him alongside with the rest of the team.