Chapter 6: New Journey begins

Right after Agent and Rena were off to get a place to save the world but Yamasaki and Morita love to have Rena by her side and we go into the new journey with vampire time lords and he was so excited to be helping others.

Agent: so where to next?

Yamasaki: I don't know

Morita: why not Rena choose the next journey

Rena: me? Why me?

Agent: because you left went I was about to die and you save me remember that

Later Rena her flashback of being helped Agent to don't up in his life or saving his planet back home.

Rena: yes I remember that of course, I choose this time

Agent: so where to next, Rena?

Once she use a compass to go on the next journey with all of us inside the Tardis.

Rena: we are going to save the people from weeping angels

Yamasaki: sorry what is the weeping angels?

Agent: well they are a statue but they can also move one at a time if you blink but you can't blink or touch your eye if not they will attack you

Morita: like a staring contest

Agent: yes maybe like that but are you all sure about this once we go there are no turning back

Rena: I want to do with all of you

Yamasaki: yes I'm in

Morita: me too

Agent: but I'm the champion about the staring contest

They went to the old planet called the weeping angels of doom and we dress up as the country area we use a torchlight for the night but it was morning and Agent saw the same doctor from fighting the Daleks.

Agent: well good to see you again Doctor

Doctor: Agent why are you here with a few crew with you

Agent: we are going to help you guys defeat them

Doctor: are you sure you can handle it

Agent: I'm good at staring contest

Yaz: hey doctor who are they?

Doctor: he is also a time lord but he is a vampire time lords his name is Agent

Agent: well nice to meet you Yaz

Yaz: how did you know my name?

Agent: I'm from the future 2034 that where I'm from but they are from 2022 on a different Earth it called japan city

Yaz: sorry I can't speak their language

Agent: it's okay I will help you translate to you

Yaz: thank you and he is Dan

Dan: Nice to meet you Agent

Agent: nice to meet you Dan shall we go

Dan: of course

The 13th Doctor gets help from Agent and his crew to destroy the weeping angels from getting to us and kill us or worse become a statue just like them.

After an hour later the sun are going down and it the time for using the torchlight and get ready for the weeping angels.

Yaz: so how old are you?

Yamasaki: senpai is she talking about me?

Agent: yes and she was asking about your age?

Yamasaki: oh my age is 16 years old

Agent: she said that her age is 16 years old

Yaz: her age is younger but what them

Agent: her age is 20 years old same as her

Yaz: so she is younger but they both are on the 20-year-old

Agent: yes please stop talking the weeping angels are coming here

Doctor: yup Agent was right to let go and turn on the light

Then the Doctor with Agent team up and his crew are also by his side and Yaz with Dan in front of us to protect them if anything happens.

Dan: why the weeping angels are don't moving but went everything we move but they move at each time

Yaz: that's why they called the weeping angels

After a few hours later the weeping angels are attacked the agent from his leg and now he can't move his leg because the weeping angels got him.

Agent: all you run and Morita, Yamasaki and Rena please stay with them don't worry about me but please go

Yamasaki: okay but please be safe

Rena: yea what she says

Morita: senpai please be careful

Agent: okay now go!!

They start to run and they are out from the night to the day after they left Agent alone with the weeping angels.

Angels: are you the Doctor?

Agent: no I'm not but I am an agent

Angels: Agent as a vampire time lords

Agent: yes I am but why did you kill them

Angels: you can leave us but please destroy all of the weeping angels

Agent: wait are you sure?

Angles: yes please kill them and me too

Agent: okay and rest in peace

Angels: goodbye Agent see you in the afterlife

He throws the bomb and he starts to run away from all of the weeping angels after that we can see that Agent are okay but his leg is injured and they attack his leg with a rock.

Yaz: oh my gosh are you okay?

Agent: yes I'm fine

Yamasaki and Morita with Rena rush toward him and hug him and start to worry about him that much.

Yamasaki: senpai are you okay?

Agent: yes I'm fine

Rena: but your leg is injured

Agent: Nah it's okay

Morita: let's go back to the Tardis

Agent: okay let go

Once we left the weeping angels of doom and they say goodbye to Agent and his crew.

Yaz: see you again Agent

Agent: of course see you

We left the weeping angels of doom and next to the journey are something more dangerous and more than any other mission ever.