Chapter 7: The 13th Doctor need Agent help

Meanwhile, right before they want to leave and the doctor opens agent Tardis and ask him to follow her where she goes to.

13th Doctor: sorry agent can you help us

Agent: Doctor is there something wrong?

13th Doctor: I need your help

Agent: of course what can we help you

Yamasaki: senpai did she say to help her

Agent: yes she says that

Yaz: wait how can she know what the doctor says

Agent: oh you step inside my Tardis you can speak their language

Dan: wait shut up really

Agent: yes and now you speak the words

Dan: wait really?

Rena: senpai what is the problem

13th doctor: we are going to the somewhere that doctor enemy

Rena: what is that called?

Yaz: the last planet to live

Agent: wait is there what I think it is

13th doctor: yes Agent

Agent: so what are we waiting for let go

They went into their Tardis and Agent follow them from behind once we are there and the 13th doctor arrive at the planet of doom and we go there but need to wear a suit to protect them but the 13th doctor wear a suit but Agent does not have to wear any suit because he is a vampire they can breathe just for anything.

Dan: wow you can breathe of that

Agent: what can I say I can well let go

Morita: senpai I'm scared what the hell are these places?

Yamasaki: these places call the planet of boom and if you make any sound they will kill you instead of kill

Rena: yes what tenchan say

Morita: tenchan why did you know about this place so much

Yamasaki: I read some book at the library inside the Tardis

Agent: someone here knows the history of the planet

Yamasaki: thank you

We all go and wait for Agent to distract them and the 13th doctor with his crew are safe with her.

Agent: hey!! Come here and kill me you

While the creature is coming out from the sand and other get ready to turn off the machine and Agent is running with sound and the creature just see him only but the 13th doctor use an invisible shield to can't see them.

Agent: what's wrong are you getting tired now

The creature tries everything to kill him but his speed is too fast and finally, Agent start to running toward the creature and went we see Agent is was running very slow motion and after that, he uses his power to kill them and their blood is green and it spreading everywhere the place.

Agent: that was very disgusting

Yamasaki: I can smell that is so yikes

Morita: yup me too

Rena: senpai are you okay?

Agent: yes I'm fine but it's all over right?

13th doctor: yes and thank you for your help Agent

Agent: no problem but just call me with this if you want me to help you

13th doctor: of course later agent

Agent: yea you too

They left the planet of doom same with Agent and we leave the planet and we were at the stars and Agent open the door and sit down at the door floor and he looks at the space and time planet.

Rena: did you want to go back home to your planet?

Agent: I want to save more planets once it is done I can go back home and you also can go back to 2022 japan city

Yamasaki: what if we miss you

Agent: you can contact me with the tech device remember you wear them in your hand

When Yamasaki was looking at her hand and she can see that she was wearing the watch and she start to laugh at herself.

Rena: so what now?

Agent: now I want to take some day off

Yamasaki: of course

Morita: they will be worried about us

Agent: well I sent all of you home while I stay at the Tardis

They agree with Agent and we start to leave the space and time and went to japan city 2022 before we had landed at the Sakurazaka dorm Tamura is waving at them and she hug the three of the member.

Tamura: so how it was?

Rena: it was so fun

Yamasaki: yes it was fun

Morita: yes but he said he wants to rest or take a day off

Tamura: can I see him?

Rena: of course, he is inside the Tardis

Tamura: okay

While Tamura was walking at the Tardis and she saw Agent Tardis and she went inside and see no one inside the Tardis but went she step something on the floor and went she saw it was agent but why did he sleep here but not at the bed where he got some room inside the Tardis.