Chapter 2: Second victim is Kobayashi Yui

In the meantime, Kobayashi was walking down the road when she saw that same guy that he kiss Yamasaki why did he do it here in my hometown.

Kobayashi: sorry can I help you?

Harem: so you are the person I looking for?

Kobayashi: wait...did I know you?

Harem just gives the red letter to her once she take the letter and she look up and he was gone and where did he go to.

Kobayashi: wait...where did he go?

Harada: Yui are you feeling okay?

Yamasaki: yea are you okay?

Kobayashi: Tenchan did your friend give me these to me what if for?

Yamasaki: well that is you to find out come on Harada let go

Harada: didn't explain to her

Yamasaki shake her head and she just rushes inside the dorm while Kobayashi went inside her room and read the letter from Yamasaki's friend that did not have a name.

To: Kobayashi Yui,

I invite you for a surprise for you right before you take a nap.

From: Harem Dream

When Kobayashi went to get some sleep and the night being to get more and more serious with her.

Harem: good to see you back Yui

Kobayashi: wait who are you?

Harem: you same with Yamasaki

Kobayashi: where are we?

Harem: you are inside the dream

Kobayashi: I'm inside what?

Once he was snap his finger and Kobayashi lying on the bed and he walked toward her and we slept together with her and she said to him was.

Kobayashi: what are you doing?

Harem: just relax and don't move

Kobayashi: okay but if you want to do something please do gentle

Harem: okay I will

Right before he crawled onto the bed and he started to passionately kiss her cute lips and Kobayashi has fallen in love with him that fast until she did realize what next is going to happen to her.

Harem: I'm going to put inside of your pussy

Kobayashi looked below and take look and she saw it was his cock and he wearing a condom to protect him from getting pregnant.

Harem: can I move

Kobayashi: yes, please

Harem: okay I'm moving now

When he moves his hips against Kobayashi and she starts moaning and he rubs his cock meanwhile, he cum inside his condom but she also can feel the heat around her body.

Harem: I'm cum now!!

Kobayashi: yes give it to me

Finally, Harem cumming his semen and keep flowing and after that he take out his cock and throw the condom and he put back his pant on and he saw that Kobayashi has been possessed by the love romance on a spell but he snap his finger and out of a sudden, Kobayashi wake up and see that it was morning at the dorm room.

Kobayashi POV.

The wait is that went I was with him doing something that I could not imagine thing but why Tenchan friend is having sex with me but not her friend itself.

Harada: Yui, wake up please there someone wants to see you outside he is waiting

Kobayashi: Harada who is he?

Harada: just see him

Kobayashi: okay

When Kobayashi went outside the dorm and she saw that it was him inside my dream and he finally speak to her.

Karin: Kobayashi Senpai Ohayo *smile*

Kobayashi: eh!!! Karin, it was you inside my dream and we did that thing together but how come?

Karin: I can't explain to you but once I'm ready then I will explain to all of you later Senpai

Kobayashi: wait...Karin but before you leave can we kiss again to confirm that the same at inside my dream

Karin: of course

Suddenly, Karin grab Kobayashi's chin and kissed her lips while Yamasaki looked at them but she didn't care about the kiss many girls or do sex with them.

Karin: well Senpai see you around

Kobayashi: yea see you

Fujiyoshi walked away and she put her right hand and wave back to Kobayashi she return to the Sakurazaka dorm and join Yamasaki Ten with others as well.