Chapter 3: Third victim is Seki Yumiko

In the meantime, Seki went back inside to her room and see that there has a letter for her but went she read who was from and she didn't just throw the letter she keeps at all of the fan's letters in the box.

Seki: that's weird why the letter didn't have a name?

Yumiko is getting sleepy and she takes a nap but she dreams of a person walking toward her and he taking her hand and pushing her onto the bed with him.

Seki: wait...what are you doing with me?

Harem: shut up!! You talk too much

Seki: wait...don't do anything to me

Without any words coming from him and meanwhile, he put them inside his huge cock and Seki screamed in pain while she started to push him away but she can't move her body.

Harem: I'm going to cum and take all of my semen

Seki: please no I do not want to get pregnant

Harem: don't worry I'm wearing a condom

Finally, he cumming his semen inside his condom and keep flowing all and after that, he take out his condom and throw it away he put it back on his pant and he slaps Seki and she had red cheek on her face but it was only a dream not is real life.

Harem: how dare you speak back at me!!

Seki: I'm sorry please don't slap me

Harem: fine I won't slap you but you can wake up and 3...2...1... *snap finger*

Once Seki woke up from her sleep and she see that it was already morning inside her room she went outside the room and see that there a person is waiting for her to say hi to him.

Karin: Yumiko Ohayo

Seki: Karin!! Why did you slap me?

Karin: because you talk too much I didn't have a choice but to slap you

Seki: and why did you have a futa cock?

Karin: well that I can't explain but once they are ready and I can explain to them

Seki: but we just do sex and we didn't kiss can we kiss each other

Karin: of course, we can kiss

Seki and Karin were kissing each other and she was playing Seki virgin and Karin use her finger to twisting and she moans and sweating right before she licks her below when no one around the place just only them alone.

Karin: Seki you want to do that again inside the forest?

Seki: mean sex inside the forest?

Karin: yes and my futa cock is getting hard

Seki: okay let go

While Seki and Karin went inside the forest and they see that have a house inside the forest and we went inside and see that have a bedroom and have food as well.

Karin: Seki are you sure you want to do this here?

Seki: yes and please fuck me, Karin!!

Out of nowhere, Karin put his pant down and with his boxer and Seki saw that Karin's futa cock is huge cock and he wear a condom just in case.

Karin: I'm going inside your wet pussy

Seki: please do hard this time

Karin: of course with pleasure

Once Karin is putting the futa cock inside her pussy and we start to move Karin was rubbing his futa cock that fast and suddenly, Seki can feel it coming to cum inside my body with Karin's semen inside of me.

Karin: Seki!! Take all of my semen

Seki: yes...yes please fucking me harder

Karin does the sex harder and finally, we finish the sex inside the forest together in the bedroom while Karin take out his futa cock and throw the condom full of her semen and she put back his boxer and pant while she has done that Karin passion kissed on Seki Yumiko lips and she kisses back on Karin's lips.

Karin: well I will see you soon Yumiko

Seki: wait where did you go?

Karin: find someone and have sex with me

Seki: how many girls did you have sex with?

Karin: 2 people but include you 3

Seki: but I want to have more sex with you Karin

Karin: we will but later

Fujiyoshi kiss Seki's cheek and she left her Seki went back and she meet Yamasaki and Kobayashi and Karin having sex with them.