Touring The Chaos

Chu Xuan brought Su Xian'er along as he toured the chaos.

He saw many forces of the chaos as well as chaotic beings.

After passing through many worlds created by experts, some of them were extremely powerful, he came to the conclusion that they were not as complete as the Divine World.

Many of them were worlds created by Ancient Chaos Gods, and some of them were created and sustained using supreme treasures.

A number of the worlds were already ownerless. Their creators had either given up on them, or had died.

Some of these worlds were then occupied by other experts or forces, who occasionally managed to obtain the inheritances left behind by the creators of these worlds.

Some worlds had not been discovered yet.

Chu Xuan also explored many chaos abysses. Some were used to deprecate the old laws of the chaos, while others were used to suppress enemies of certain experts. 

As he toured the chaos, he saw all sorts of things.