New Era (Part 1)

There was a small residence in the chaos, which housed a miniature world.

It was floating in the chaos.

As the boundaries of the chaos expanded outward, it continued to advance.

Chu Xuan was used to staying at home, so after touring the chaos, that was exactly what he did again. 

However, unlike when he had the system, he was now in secluded cultivation, striving to transcend the chaos as soon as possible.

Su Xian'er would often sit at the entrance of the residence, looking at the vast chaos, sinking into an inexplicable state.

She could not see the edge of the chaos.

However, she could sense that this place was somewhat special.

Here, she almost seemed to be able to comprehend the true meaning of the chaos?

She often came here to cultivate, and her strength increased by leaps and bounds because of this.

Furthermore, if there was anything she did not understand, Chu Xuan would also explain it to her.