Giant wasp (2)

"Quest Log activated," he whisper and the blue interface appear in front of his face.

[Quest Log update]

[You have a new quest]

[Quest activated]

[The Extermination of Giant Wasp]

[Giant Wasp 21/30]

"Then I need to upgrade my stat to gain more. Open Legacy Information" The blue interface overlaps with the notification for the Legacy information. But before he could add a stat on his legacy information, he hears a noise, a sound of something that he cannot identify what kind of insect it was because of the fight. The flaps and buzz sound type of the wasps. Then he looks up, seeing 4 giant wasp soldiers aiming their sting at him. "Oh, I think these guys should have not yet find me. But I guess they are here. Time to take them down." He smiled and charged forward.

The stings blocked his first attacks. So he retreats to gain back the momentum of his attack. But before he could gain it back, the giant wasp soldiers move their stings forward, charge Percival. He dodged the first 2 and blocked the 3rd with his venom plasma sword.

But got punctured on his left arm. After receiving the sting into his flesh, he looks at the giant wasp soldier and slashed its body. The giant wasp soldier cuts the sting from its butt. And left it inside of his left arm. But the giant wasp soldier falls down to the ground because when a giant wasp soldier removes its sting from its body, it also removes a part of a vein that connects their entire nervous system. Cutting that vein will reduce the functionality of some organs inside of the body of the giant wasp soldier.

After it falls down to the ground, it weakens a lot and because of that; He turns his power onto the 3 remaining giant wasp soldier that are in front of him. He gasps for air while his arm is getting numb from the venom that the giant wasp soldier have injected him. "Shi- this is a problem. I have not yet bought something for me to heal this injury. What am I going to do now?" Then a blue interface suddenly pops out in front of him.

[You have unlocked the special market for Level Up Gallacia System]

After the first interface appeared, it got overlapped by a shop interface. "Well, I think Gallacia saved me." He exclaims, then raising his right arm to defend an incoming attack. Then he jumps back to have a space between him and the 3 giant wasp soldiers. He stands firm from his position and raising his right hand. Then he immediately buys a first aid nano pill. It's an ingested pill that release nano synchronized robots that can heal any injuries. After buying that with 100 credits, that he only has. He let out a cold air in his chest looks up while his sweat was dripping on his skin. "Time for some payback that I will give! TAKE IT ALL!" he screamed and used the speed kill.

Dashing with his venom plasma sword, he raised it up and then he used the speed kill skill that increased his speed and critical damage. The first Giant wasp soldier who blocked him got sliced in half. Second one who block him again got its head decapitated.

Head flies mid air before dropping on the ground oozing with the green slime. Then the last one who saw the green eyes of Percival. It tries to fly away, but he got caught when Percival cuts the wings of the giant wasp soldier. It crashed down to the ground. Percival drops on the ground rolls before standing in back up again.

He walks to the dead body of the giant wasp soldier. He kicks it to the side so that he can see the body of the dead giant wasp soldier. The mouth of the dead giant wasp soldier oozes a green liquid. He turns around and walks to one of the large stems sitting trying to get some rest.

"I almost got killed because of that sting. Luckily, Gallacia is here to help. Thanks from earlier, it really helped." He said with a calm tone of voice. She replied in a robotic tone. "I don't receive the thank you player. You have earned the special store, but like the special store, all rates are high. And if you are selling good things in there, the cash back is 3 times larger than a normal trade outside of the special store."

While Gallacia was explaining some things, he was scrolling down for some limited equipments in the special store. "With me having this kind of specialty, how many people are like me?" Gallacia faced him, and reply "a couple of hundred, but it will not be above 200."

"What you are saying sit that there are others like me that live in this world?" He asked, and she reply with "No, on this planet there are only 20 people who are like you. But not the exact like you, some of them only have a special storage, or some kind of specialty in the outside world but not like how you did. You are the only one that has the game mechanism both in this game and outside of the game."

After quite some time of sitting down on the ground. He feels rested, so he stands up, looks around, trying to check if there were incoming enemies. He whispered, "Quest Log activated" and after that an interface appear.

[Quest Log update]

[You have a new quest]

[Quest activated]

[The Extermination of Giant Wasp]

[Giant Wasp 25/30]

"Right, so I need to kill 5 more giant wasp and I am going back to the real world." Percival exclaims 20 minutes later. He arrived at one flower that was not near from where he came. He sees 2 giant wasp workers and 3 giant wasp soldiers. The way the 2 workers work diligently and the 3 soldiers alerted is noticeable by his eyes.

He creeps a little closer to get a full entirety of what the giant wasp are doing. The more he creeps forward, the giant wasp soldiers moved forward to their perimeter. And because of that, he did not pursue and move and stayed from where he is.

Behind a large stem from a different type of plant that has the color of indigo and a leaf of a white with yellow polka dots all over the leaf. He did not touch the stem, but he knelt, and tried to get a better look.