Giant Wasp (3)

Finally, when the 3 giant wasp soldiers lie low and go side, he finally sees what the 2 giant wasp workers are doing. They are storing some kind of jelly that emits a red aura inside of a giant flower stem. Because of its vibrant smell that reached him. Added with the type of chemical that it excretes out in the air. It made his nose and his brain have some kind of delusion. Percival thought he was floating. That is because of pheromone type jelly that the giant wasp workers were installing inside of the stems. With that type of jell, it attracts all other insects but not wasp.

That is when he stepped out from the open the giant wasp soldiers. Stares at him. Their stings are ready. They communicated using their antenna and one of them tried to sting him in the arm, but when the giant wasp soldier flies towards him. He instantly raised his venom plasma sword. And activated the skill quick cut. The sting and its half of the butt got sliced in half. While the upper body where the wings and the head of the giant wasp are still functioning.

But it did not last long because of the lack of nutrition. The nutrition of their body to function well and because the giant wasp soldiers lose half of its body where the nutrition stored. Its body shrinks back to a normal human giant wasp and withered and dies. The other two who witness what happened to one of their kind.

Gets angry at him because he killed their friend. So they charged forward. The 1st giant wasp soldier strikes him to his left but the venom plasma sword blocked it. After blocking the 1st giant wasp soldier. He leaps back because the 2nd giant wasp soldier is going to strike him above.

Because he leaps back, the giant wasp soldier pierced the soil. That attack made the 2nd giant wasp soldier to be vulnerable because the sting got stuck. He dashed forward and swings his venom plasma sword.

The other wasps started having conversations regarding what they were going to do with the human. The workers order to kill Percival added the things that happened earlier. But the workers who wanted to finish what they were doing both charged forward.

When they reached his location, they continue to use their arms to grab the enemy and for the soldiers to finish the job. But he easily escape and evade the hands of the giant wasp worker. Because of trying to contain him, their arms got cut off it falls down to the ground. Follow but a hard swing to their lower extremities, which he easily cuts off. With those extremities being cut off from their body, it weakens them to the brim.

"What can I expect from a running soldier? Go tell your mother the queen that I will head there." He said sarcastically. Then the wasp soldier flies off. Then he feels something weird. Followed by a dark shadow looming over him. He steps forward twice. Then when he turns around.

An incoming punch is heading towards Percival's face. Sadly, it did not land on his face because he quickly grab the hands of the muscular man that loom over him. After that, he pulls the arm because of the force of the punch. It easily goes into his favor. After that, the muscular man drops to the ground. He steps on his back while looking at the muscular man's face.

"Who the heck are you?" he said while twisting his arm. The muscular man is still quiet, as if the muscular man has already expected that something gruesome will happen. But still his arm is being twisted, so he bites his lips while he also sucked it inside of his mouth.

"Now, are you willing to talk? Who sent you here, and how did you know this place?" Percival's tone got intimidating. "I was sent here by a pero-" then the muscular man released white bubbles as if he got poisoned.

He sees the man release a white bubble from his mouth. He lets go of the right hand and then, with a quick glimpse, the muscular man's tongue moves. Percival chained all the members with both of their feet. And then punched the muscular man on the face until the muscular mans face bled. "Do you think you can just bubble your words and then you will receive an excellent treatment? Don't fake it" He punched the muscular man one more time before kicking the muscular man's stomach.

After that, he sees that the body of the muscular man got transported with the blue pixels. "Quest log activated"

[Quest Log update]

[You have a new quest]

[Quest activated]

[The Extermination of Giant Wasp]

[Giant Wasp 29/30]

"I only need 1 more wasp and then I will finish this quest and then get the experience for me to gain more stats." After saying those words, a wild, giant wasp soldier goes in front of him. The sting attacked him while he defends his position. The sting scratched Percival's left arm. "Playing defensive is not my forte!" he shouts at the wasp, and it stopped the water because of the loud voice. But he could not help it. After screaming at the wasp, he jumps on top of the wasp and started stabbing it from its head. After that, a green notification. [You have gained a level]

[Quest Log update]

[You have a new quest]

[Quest activated]

[The Extermination of Giant Wasp]

[Giant Wasp 30/30]

Note: You have finished the first task inside of this forest, but you still need to beat the dungeon, boss. Then it ended the note of the chapter.

"Time to check the legacy information." After saying those words. The blue interface appeared in front of him. He did not scroll down because the entire blue interface is his only character.

[Legacy Information]

[Name: Anti Matter]

[Level: 7]

[Experience 4900/6600]

[Tittle: owner of the Scrapyard, Slayer of the hound]

[Stat point available: 26]

[Stat Data]

Power: 18 (+8)

Strength: 13 (+6)

Vitality: 15 (+6)

Speed: 19 (+4)

Endurance: 12

Intelligence: 6

Production: 3

[Legacy Attribute]

[Available Legacy Attribute point: 12]

[Gravitational Balance: 0]

[Dark matter Manipulation: 5]

[Matter Balance: 0]

[Planetary Accumulation: 5]

When he sees the gap between the other stats that he has input, he thinks of something that could balance his bonus to increase the damage output that he could produce.