Gamble (1)

[If You want the author to releaser 6 more chapters by monday give me 50 powerstone by the end of the week]

The leader smile because the new round has begun. The 3rd is an utter failure for Percival, but in that game, he notices the dealer has purposely given him guards that are not really not powerful enough to create a bet. And win scenario, it was always a do or die scenario. Which worries him because if he loses the game, it will be problematic for him and for the rest of the school. He looks at his cards.

When he sees his cards, it was a Queen of cloves and jack of diamonds. A good one for a high card, on the leader's card. When he tries to look at his card, he sees. 10 of diamonds and 8 of diamonds, which means he can go for a straight and that will really help him win a current pot of $3000.

Then the dealer removes 1 card from the deck separates it. And then gets 3 cards from the deck. He flips them over to the table and the flop, 9 of cloves, 6 of Diamonds and 10 of hearts. Now the leader has a pair and the percentage stakes got shifted to the leader leading with 57% to 43%. Now it's the leader's turn.

Will he take the lead and bet a thousand more or will he just call for $1k . He looks at Percival, who is playing with his chips. Trying to calm himself before the storm of the leader comes. And like what Percival expected.

The leader raises to $2k, increasing the pot to $5000. He looks at Percival. But the problem is when he looked at him, he did not even flinch when he raised. Now the leader got bothersome by the posture of what he sees to Percival.

Percival looks at the leader, and he smirks. He sees that the leader's emotion suddenly shifted to a different one. "What an uncomfortable face you have, leader. Is your card not good enough for me?"

He said while looking again at his card and raised the $2k to $4k. That is when the leader let of a deep sigh. But he did not make it seem enough for everyone. He got tilted over that raise. Now he is thinking if he I going to fold or is he going to call.

"Well you get me there, Leader of the Rocket Technical High School" he throws his cards and Percival pushes his card to the dealer and did not show it. When he looks back to the leader, he sees the leader seems to be angry at him. Then an interface appears in front of him [You have gained 6 Luck] because of the increase he feels something incredible with himself.

Then the cards once again given to them but the 5th round. "So, how many rounds do we do? Is it 10 and if I still have the highest credits then I still win $50k?" He asked the leader. Because Percival still has $56,000 in his side, the leader reply to his questions. "I agree on your terms. What round are we the 4th round?" He asked the dealer, who was standing in the middle. Because he feared the leader. He nods.

Percival let it slide because he knows the leader was desperate to win his money back. Because he knows he will be laughingstock if he loses the game that he is currently playing. The entire that were watching at them have got to feel the pressure on the both sides. Because there was a round, there are some hooligans that are trying to bet which round will win who. Because of this, there is some money that is being won not only on the table but also at the bleachers.

Now that the round has set back to the 4th round, it became really bothersome for Percival. Because he wanted some fun, he folds on the 4th round giving the leader $500 bet from the big blind.

The leader smile as he does that, the battle continues and the 5th round that is supposed to be the 6th round the once again folded giving the leader $1k now from 56k it becomes $54.5k. Because of the two following strategies, the system has given Percival a strategy tab interface appearing before him.

"I am a cheat itself. How sad for this person to be playing against me" the time when he sees the interface is the time he received 20 luck in his stat. Now, according to the interface that is near him, he needs to fold again for the third time.

But he will be lose $1.5k which is also something that worries him. But he knows that the system so he trusted it. "I really wish that Gallacia is here." He whisper while looking at the cards he then folds paying $1.5k.

[You have gained 10 Luck from the system] now Percival acts he is having terrible cards. Even the people who have bets on him got pissed.

But the leader raised his finger, giving the sign to the Dealer to give Percival terrible cards only the Dealer nodded and follows. Now it's the 8th round. He now has $53k. The next payment he needs to pay if he fold is $2k. But the problem the Dealer suddenly gave a pocket of Aces on Percival hand that was supposed to be the leader's hands.

Now the leader thought that the cards that Percival has are low cards that are impossible to appear on the flop, that is supposed to be for the cards that the leader has.

He looks at the leader. He smirks at the same time the leader has a different facial expression. Percival wanted to bait the leader in doing an all in type scenario and end the charade that they are playing at the 8th round like what the system has ordered him.

Like what the interface said, he needs to put money and sets it to $2k. "You think you can call me with that Bluff sure Ill play with you!" the leader seems to be proud and confident when he said that.

While the Dealer is sweating because he knows when he puts the flop it will be for the pocket ace three of a kind. And the leader will only get a pair in the entire round. The leader bets all in an all in scenario. Because he wants to intimidate Percival by taking on the losses. But what he did not know that Percival have already has the three of a kind.

When they put their credits in and the turn of the river only gives another Ace, it creates a four of a kind of Percival, which gives him 100%. And when he turns his cards, and the leader sees a pocket of aces, the entire crowd suddenly went silent. The leader sits in his chair. Seeing $50k being lost in a terrible gamble.

[You have gained 20 luck from achieving great lengths!] an interface appears in front of Percival. "Did the Leader of the Rocket High School won a complete $100k from the leader's wrong bet?" while all the crowd excluding the people from Prince and Vince were enjoying their lives.