Gamble (2)

[I need powerstones to increase uploads - Author]

Percival stands up from his chair, looking down at the leader on the other side. "This is the end. You can give me the $25k in this account." He throws a piece of card where several account for transfer money. Then give me the other $25K because I want my team to play what we earn. Then the leader looks at him. And said while he is still trying to take in all the emotions of anger in him.

"What you win in this game? Is yours so you have $100k. Ill give you the $50k and then the other half of the pot. We will be the ones who will deposit it in your account. Alright, I am a man of my words." He stands up and walks up to Percival while offering his hand for a handshake.

Percival accepts the handshake from the leader. After that, he left the place. A butler from the exchange money walks up to him with a tie and a suit. A comb hair and a gentle face. "Are you Mr Percival?" He asked with his voice a bit scared because of a stutter at the start of his sentence.

Percival turns his head where the staff is standing. "Ah yes, I am Percival. How can I help you?" the staff hands him a box full of credits worth 50k dollars. The credits have two purposes inside of the mall hideout. 1st they use it as the currency inside of the of the mall.

The ratio of the exchange is 1:1, and next is they also used it for gambling. After he got the credits, he turns around with 40 people. Each of them has 1250 credits each. "Alright, I have given you all credit. It is on you if you are going to play it and gamble or you can exchange it and leave the place or waste it on other kinds of pleasure here." He said while crossing his arms.

Then all of them bow their respect to the Alliance leader. Percival turns around after that and head to one of the slot machine that a man just stands on. He walks up to the machine, seeing a lot of colorful lights and different shapes and pictures, same with images of fruits. The slot has 4 columns and 3 rows. That continuously spinning while it stopped when the bet place. [You have gained 1 Luck]

He bet his first 25 credits and because of his luck on his stats; he hits a double, and he takes 40. Now he has two choices. Either he put it again for 40 or he takes the 15 credits and put 25 again. Then an interface appears in front of him

[Luck or Loss]

[The system has made a bet on you. If you will bet your 40 and win, you will get 10 luck stat and if you bet an increase of 40 and win, you will get 20 Luck. But if you lose and bet 40 your luck will decrease 10 stat. Same with if you increase 40 credits. The system will automatically deduct 20 stat point if you lose.]

[Will you accept Yes/No]

He put his hand below his chin. While reading the interface, he turns around and seeing that all the players focused on their slots. He looks back to the slot and then pushed the button to increase the 40 to 100. The slot spins and spins, then it stopped. The first aligned good, followed by the 2nd column, then the 3rd followed in an impressive line. Then for the 4th column it became a disaster.

It was a grave loss for Percival, but because of this, it only helps him to read the times and ways of the slot machine he is playing. He continued to play 50 more times repeatedly. Every time he wins, he either put it in all. Or retract and leave a few for the slot to use it as a loss. In the end, Percival gained 90 luck while losing 100 luck stat point.

The system has instantly added the 90 stat luck point into his Main information. While his remaining credits are below 500 hundred, he looks at his credits. "I only have 230 credits left. What should I play?" He stands up and tries to look for other games that he is suitable for.

"What about the roulette?" He whispers to himself and walks towards one of the table where there is a game of roulette. When he arrived at the round table where the roulette was. He sees there are a lot of players having fun and smiling.

There were ladies offering drinks to the players while players continuously have fun winning and losing. In the entire casino area, there are only two faces that can be seen. A losing face where facial features seem to express depression and sadness. And the other face where it shows blooming and excitement with a flourishing expression.

But with a background of playing games on his computer. There are only a few tips that most winners in the casino have. A bland face where the dealer could not identify which face he was going to use. Because most dealer control the outcomes of the entire table.

Which is he lets all the players win, or he lets all the players lose a lot of money? But there are certain games that the dealer could not take control and those are the card games. Except if they are playing with the dealer, that is why Percival believes that luck must always be on his side, or else it will be a problem.

Percival put a bet on the red with 30 credits and then put 10 credits on the number 19,20,21,18,16,15. After that, he locked on his bet and the roulette stars. As the small crystal ball spins around the spinning roulette. And then the white crystal ball jumps around the roulette and landed on the number Red number 19.

Which means he won 60 and 20 credits. [You have gained 1 luck] after the interface appears in front of him. He puts an all in on the color red. Then locking on his bet, after locking his bet, the dealer spins the white crystal ball spins around the roulette. After 40 seconds of spinning in landed on red 21 and Percival won on his bet.

That is the first time he felt he was going to lose. But he knows that the luck stat that he has will surely contradict it.

The luck that he farmed from losing and winning from the slot machine he played from earlier that he also fancies. But it is also time to go home, so he looked but before he can look. A flashing winning window appears in front of him, congratulating him.

With that he receives 440 credits,[You have gained 1 luck] he smiled and turns around, checking all of his members if they were winning, but that only changes his judgment when he looks at their stats.

Some of them have 10 to 20 luck on their side. And because he also wants to know his own information, he whisper. "Main Information" and the interface appear in front of him. The violet interface that is for the real life interface color.