Gamble (3)

[Main Information]

[name: Percival Lorenzo Ruiz]

[Level: 2]



[Tittle: None]

[Stat point Available: 0]

[Stats Data]


Intelligence: 14

Charisma: 63

Endurance: 173

Agility: 15

Luck: 161

[Legacy Attribute]

[Gravitational Balance: 0]

[Dark matter Manipulation: 0]

[Matter Balance: 0]

[Planetary Accumulation: 0]

[Character Personality]

Currently amid getting a lot of luck that he needs to complete the mission give to him. Seeing his Main information it did not shock him, it looks over the high strength endurance and luck. But there are other stats that need to rise like the intelligence and agility.

"I guess when Gallacia returns I need to take n exercises classes to increase my agility. But this also increases my endurance and strength." He smile and then he sees the time and it is late for him. So he turns around and head to the exchange center.

When he reached the exchange center, he sees that there was a long line for people who wanted their money to be exchanged. So he waited for a couple of minutes and when he reached the counter.

He looks at the lady over the counter and then the lady said to him. "It has been a pleasure evening, sir. How can I help you?" he reply with a bitter tone of voice. "I just need to exchange these credits of mine for real money."

The staff on the other side scanned Percival's wrist to reveal the amount that he wants to exchange. And according to the rules of the Mall. There is a 20% charge per person in exchanging their money from credits to real cash.

But the cut of the 20% has a reason for them putting there. That is to offer players a sum of points to exchange. If they have high reward points, they can also exchange it for credits so they can play. There are certain points that a player need to join in bigger tables with bigger sum of money.

"Fine, I agree on the terms of the exchange rate. Can you guys exchange the credits that I own?" Percival says without questioning the exchange rate. After exchanging his winning credits, he goes home while he left some members of the high school there.

While walking back to his house, he just remembered something the main purpose of going to the Leader of the prefecture and that is to find both Luke and Remiel. So he pulls out his phone and there he sees that they have been calling him.

"That is weird. How come I did not feel the vibration of the phone that someone has been calling me?" That is when he remembers he silence his phone earlier when he was about to enter the room for the battle of poker with the Leader.

When he started reading the messages, he noticed that there is a repeated place that both Luke and Remiel keep repeating and that is Mall. And the warning keeps on and on.

Then the last chat was 30 minutes earlier, and there is a specified area that they wanted him to go to. He turns around and run to the location that both Remiel and Luke said. 20 minutes of running, he reached the location.

It was under a bridge near the 9th stations. When he arrived, he sees a bloody fight. He goes down the stairs, seeing a lot more bodies laying down.

Then he here a fight that is still ongoing. And that is when he sees that Remiel and Luke are getting gang up by 20 more men from the Lion Elite High School.

Percival pulls out his phone and messaged Prince and Vince to reinforce them to his area with fist ready. After messaging those instructions, he rushed towards the area where the fight was ongoing. Percival entered the fight, rushing towards the face of the leader of the Lion Elite High School.Then he leaps forward in a flying kick technique posture.

Then the face of the leader of the Lion Elite High School slams to the ground first when his entire body dropped by the force of impact. Then, by the strength of the kick, it grinds his face on the floor. Covering his entire face with scratches. Even the pain made him cry, his tears drip on his cheeks mixed with blood.

When he opened his eyes, he could feel the swelling of his skin and the pain of the bleeding. He did not expect something coming out of nowhere and then, when he looks around; he sees his underlings were being beaten to a pulp. The leader of the Lion Elite High school tries to get up but could not. It was because of the vertigo that the impact of the kick that made him unable to balance himself.

So he only did was to kneel while his close aides hurriedly run towards his position. They ignore the man who kicked their leader because their major priority is to keep their leader protected or else they are the one who gets the beating. But the fight did not stop there because Percival continues his offensive towards the Lion Elite High School delinquents he was facing.

Then Percival sees 3 hooligans from the Lion elite high school that are trying to block his way to Luke and Remiel.

Their appearance differentiates from each one of them. The first has muscular body composition followed by a thin and a fat. Delinquent, all of them have colored hair made them a real born delinquent. The color of their hairs were Red, Blue, and Yellow.

While they wear their uniform improperly, even though it has the insignia of their school. Beneath the polo they have is their shirt that signifies what gang they are a part in. Percival reads it as "1st Year Striker unit".

After reading what it said on their shirt, he takes the offensive. That is when one of them wanted to taste Percival fist first. So he rushed towards Percival position. He lunches his punch towards Percival.

But before it landed on Percival's face. His entire arm felt a sudden pain in the middle when he looked at his arm he noticed that Percival have already elbowed his arm. He grit his teeth in pain as he tried to counter using his other arm. But it was no use when.

Percival followed his attack by a straight jab on the face from the left, then a counter to the right, which knocks the first delinquent that wanted to block him.

The other two were too late to react when they see that the first one have already knelt before Percival. But they still wanted to attack. And so the 2nd one tried to grab and tackle Percival from behind.

But the 2nd delinquent only receives a kick on the face when it hits the 2nd delinquent kneels in front of Percival. Then he did not stop there because he follow up with a stomach kick and a knocking punch from the left jaw.

The last one that wanted to block him from reaching Luke and Remiel, witness his two friends getting their ass kicked by an unknown student. "What the hell are you a monster!?" He exclaim because it frightened him while staring at Percival's eyes.

His hands were shivering. He just sits down and waited for Percival to walk up to him. When he did the only, he looks up at Percival. And he gave the delinquent a punch that will make him fall asleep.

The fight did not end there because he still has to reach his two friends over 6 more delinquents that have now had a reason to beat him. "Are we going to fight him?" one delinquent asked. Then the one beside him nodded.

The Lieutenant shouted "Charge at him, don't let him close to us!" Then 6 delinquents followed the lieutenants' orders. All of them charged forward toward Percival, who was also running towards them.