Chapter 8


I was in my room, staring out the window when I decided it was time to start trying. Time to make a change.

I dug through the drawers of my room and found what I had learned was sports clothes. They were completely skin tight, and not very covering, making me overly conscious of my bony frame, the ribs poking out in clear sight, and the scars covering my entire body. I took a deep breath and started working out for the first time in several hundred years. The "phone" Amy had handed me laid on the desk in the corner. I hadn't touched it since then, terrified of the random light and noises from it. Something told me it was an object of sorcery, and I had always followed my gut.

Far too soon I started feeling pain everywhere. My muscles ached hard, but I blocked it out. The bonus of torture is you get good at blocking out minor pain.

Eventually I collapsed. Too soon. It was going to be a long time before I return to what I had been. I made my way into the bathroom, pulling off the clothes, soaked in sweat. I showered for a long time, first standing, cleaning myself with cold water, but then turning it warm, sitting at the floor of the shower and simply breathing. Alive.

I made my way into my bed, exhausted, but content.


I made my way over to Nymerias quarters, hurrying to see her face, smell her, maybe touch her, feel her. When I came to the door I suddenly stopped. How was I going to start the conversation? What was I going to say? I thought it through for minutes before finally placing my palm to the wooden door, then knocking. I soon heard tumbling from inside, and then silence. If I listened I could hear a 'pat pat pat' like naked feet on wooden floors. The door opened, and there she stood. Nymerias hair was damp and smelled like flowers, and she was wrapped in the blanket from her bed. I didn't let myself think of what might, or might not be under it.

"Oh, sorry if this is a bad time, I could come back later if-"

"No, no, now is fine! What- did you need something?" She backed away from the doorway, away from me, and motioned for me to come in. I did. I walked up till I stood just slightly too close. I was about to take a step back when I looked in her eyes, not afraid.

"I, I just needed to talk to you about something." I said, drawing just a bit closer to her. "And I kind of wanted to see your face." Closer. We were close enough to breathe the same air, our noses nearly touched. I found myself focusing on her eyes, her lips. I liked this. I never wanted her further away than this. Then it happened. She angled her head to the side, and her lips touched mine. Soft, careful. My arms wrapped around her waist, and I suddenly realized I had no clue what I was doing. I had never had such a thing as a lover. There had never been time, nobody had ever been special enough. But I looked at her face, too thin, but breathtakingly beautiful, and then she smiled, her cheeks flushed red. A small, happy smile that made me feel like I was floating. My heart ached, but not in a bad way.

"I... I'm sorry, I'm probably quite rusty." As if I wasn't. As if I had a clue. I smiled at her, my mate.

"Says you to the virgin." Her face went beet red, and I could almost see the 'oh' in her eyes. She took a step back.

"I'm sorry, I-I should have asked your permission." My mate, supposed to ask for permission to kiss me? I snickered and laded a kiss on her nose.

"No need." She turned a new shade of bright red.

"O-okay." So cute. "Either way, what did you wish to talk about?" I groaned and leaned my forehead on hers. "We're holding a peace meeting with the packs under the disguise of a ball-party thing." Nymeria composed herself and said: "I see. What role do you need me to play?" I laughed. "Whatever role you wish. You could dance on the tables and nobody would dare say a word." Her eyes widened in surprise, but she smiled. "I wouldn't dance on tables." She said. "Too bad" I mused. She ruffled my hair, smiling. This was how it was supposed to be. This was my purpose. She was my purpose.


"Bite me." I blurted out.

His chest stopped moving for a second, not breathing. He said: "Are, are you sure?" The bite signified a couple. Together, for eternity.

"I'm ready to live again. For friends and.. for this." I intertwined my fingers with his, and let go of the blanket I had wrapped around myself. I wasn't wearing much under it. A t-shirt and underpants. His hand cupped my cheek. I closed my eyes, ready to feel pain, but he scooped me up. Carried me as though I was the most fragile thing he had ever known. He sat me down on the side of my bed, his eyes not leaving mine. I drew closer to him, needing to touch him. I tugged a bit on his shirt. "Take this thing off." I mumbled, and he complied, unbuttoning his shirt annoyingly slowly. He finally pulled the shirt off, and smiled at me. Too innocent. He had no clue how bad I wanted to touch him, feel him within me. I bit my lip, trying to take back the thought. In the spur of it, I pulled my t-shirt off as well, maybe just to get a reaction out of him. His cheeks went bright red, I wasn't sure if either of us were breathing. I laid down on the bed properly. "Bite me." I whispered. He crawled on his hands and knees to get above me on the bed. His breath was shaky, and it was clear he was trying not to let go of the eye contact, not look further down. I kissed him again, but not nicely this time. I got my tongue into his mouth, claiming, he soon tried to catch up, his tongue wrapping around mine. We separated for a moment and he seemed to finally set his mind to it. His body came closer to mine, my breasts touching his chest as he breathed on my neck, and bit.