Chapter 9


Rowan bit down into my neck, and for a millisecond I didn't feel any pain. Then it came. Waves of immense pain flowing through my body, burning my entire being, reshaping it. My arms clung around his back, gripping as hard as I could. Tears streamed from my eyes, the fire wasn't going out. The bad side of torture is it takes you a really long time and really much pain to actually pass out. I felt a scream almost escape me as another wave of pain shot through me. I wanted to bite a pillow. So I did. I heard a loud grunt of pain as I finally passed out.

When I opened my eyes again I felt light. I sat up in bed, my hand shooting up to my neck, carefully feeling the bite mark there. Marked. I heard a grunt from my left, and there he was. His black hair was messy, and his turquoise eyes seemed clear as they met mine.

"Hi." I said as he sat up too, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Mnnn." He mumbled, leaning his head on my shoulder, the touch sending sparks throughout me. Then I saw his back. The claw marks red on his skin. "I'm sorry!" I practically squealed. He sat up properly again, stretched a bit and leaned in to kiss me on the cheek. "It's okay. Probably doesn't hurt half as much as yours. On that note, are you okay?" His eyes now had a tone of awakeness, scanning me.

"It doesn't hurt anymore." I smiled. He cared. His face went red and he suddenly turned his head the other way. He grabbed something on the side table, and chucked it towards me, staring into the blanket. His shirt. I realized I still wasn't wearing anything on the top half of my body. Heat rushed to my face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to look!" He said, face in his palms, still flushed all the way up to his ears. Vyn would have wanted me to put the shirt on and hug him. Ethenn, however, told me of a much more intriguing way. I left the shirt on the floor next to the bed.

"I don't mind." I said, moving closer to him on the bed. So adorable. I had despised the sex with Thane, but touching Rowan felt different, felt good.

I grabbed one of his wrists and gently pulled it away from his face. I thought of where to place it for a moment, but decided not to tease him too much, placing his hand on my waist. He moved his other hand as well, but he didn't look below my mouth, didn't touch me anywhere else than the places I had allowed, like I would crumble at any false touch. This annoyed me. I put a hand on his shoulder, shoving him back into the mattress, and got up on top, sitting on him. Finally he stopped looking away. I took the hand, still resting on my waist, and brought it up, making it cup one of my breasts. I could hear his heart beat as I leaned forth, joining my mouth with his.

And then there was a knock. Two. "Hey, Rowan, you in there?" A male voice said annoyedly from outside.

"...Fuck." I still hadn't figured out the meaning of the word, but it was quite commonly used I had found. I pressed my lips to his once again, and got off him and the bed, grabbing Rowans shirt off the floor and buttoning it on. It was big enough for me not to bother with pants. I opened the door, my annoyance probably written all over my face as I faced Seth and a male servant.

"What?" I said, scanning them both. Seths almond hair was in need of a wash and he seemed to need of some sleep. Then something soft fell down over my shoulders, and strong arms picked me up.

"Piss off. And take a shower. We're going to go eat breakfast." There was a slight ting of jealousy in his tone. Males were always too territorial for their own good. I managed to get my arms out of the blanket to hold him around the neck, just in case. He kicked the door closed and sat me down on the desk. He seemed unsure of what to say for a moment, so I asked: "What type of clothes do you prefer?" He seemed confused with the question. "For me? Something easy, comfortable, but somewhat respectable. You?"

"No, for me. I think it's about time to stop dressing in what my husband liked." Now the message seemed to sink in.

"Whatever you like, I mean- I didn't even know I had a type until I met you. Just..." he looked me over. "Something a bit more covering when out of the bedroom?" Hah. "Technically I didn't actually leave the bedroom." I mused. He rolled his eyes. "How very foolish of me." I got off the desk and over to the cabinet where clothes were kept. I opened the top drawer and picked out one of the bras in there. Emyra had shown me how to use them, but I still felt a tad lost. I pulled his shirt off and tossed it to him, starting the struggle with the bra. Soon Rowan came up behind me, helping me with the snap on the back. He kissed my neck, right on top of his mark, sparks erupting throughout my body.

I found a beige sweater that covered my arms, the scars. He hadn't mentioned them, but I knew he had seen them. Maybe he didn't want to bring up bad memories, though I honestly couldn't remember what scars came from what anymore. Some of them came from my childhood, others from my teens and twenties, and the rest were from Thane. I opened the skirt drawer, including some pants as well. I had seen several females wearing pants in this age, it was quite intriguing. "Would you... mind if I wore pants?" He seemed puzzled for a moment, but then said: "Oh, right females didn't wear them in your century. They are in anyones closet, male or female nowadays. I don't mind at all." I smiled at him again, and pulled on a pair of blue pants, more comfortable than I had expected. Rowan seemed to realize something, and for the first time I heard when he sent through the packs inner circle. *Seth, book Jean in soon for dress-fitting.* He then turned to me. "Breakfast?" A very appealing proposal.