Chapter 10


I got into my office feeling better than I had for a long time, my shoulder slightly ached from where she had bit me, but it wasn't unmanageable. I had avoided mentioning it, had a feeling she'd freak out and feel bad. I was fine, wouldn't be able to wear a backpack for a few days, but that wouldn't be a problem. The wounds on my back were almost completely healed already- quicker than they did before. I thought back to last night. Nymeria had stopped seeming like a scared puppy, and I was quite attracted to the change. I hoped I could be by her side as she would grow into a strong female, the warrior in black I had seen that day.

Right on time, my inner circle entered the room, I reminded myself to introduce them to Nymeria later.

Gale took his usual spot by the window, Seth standing next to him and Connor lingering(staying) by the door. Seth started speaking first, his hair smelling minty, newly washed.

"Invitations have been sent out." I nodded. "Good. When should we expect answers?"

"They should start coming in tomorrow, our messengers are fast, the more distant packs will probably reply in about three days though." Great.

"And Jean?"

"Is coming in four days." Seth replied. All was to plan.

"Who's Jean?" Gale asked from the window, never keeping any check on the pack members.

"The seamstress." Seth clarified, glaring at his brother, who didn't look much less confused.

"Do you three have a few minutes? You should meet Nymeria properly." Seth nodded, Gale was to no ones surprise looking excited, and for once, Connor didn't look completely uninterested, but he seemed to be trying to cover his interest. I had never tried the mating link before, but focused on Nymeria *Are you free? Can you come to my office?* there wasn't more than half a second of silence before she answered: *Wh- oh. Yes. I'll be outside your door in five.*

Five minutes later there was a light knock on the door.

"Come in." I said loudly, but she didn't enter. After a few seconds I walked out, facing my mate.

"Come inside." I said, gesturing to the door. She grabbed the sleeve of my shirt, tugging a bit.

"W-wait." I looked back at her and nodded. "I, this will be my first official appearance. Do you wish for me to change anything?" She stroked her hair behind her ear. "I based my looks on my mother, but if you want I could change my eye color or hair?" Her insecurity in herself didn't match her beauty. I touched her cheek. "You look great. I don't need you to change for me." She didn't need hair-dye or contacts to be beautiful. I opened the door, and she went in.


When I entered I realized I had already briefly met the entire inner circle, but I smiled and nodded my head at all three of them either way.

"Good day. My name is Nymeria Ethenn Evergreen."

Rowan sat down on his desk, watching me, whilst also placing himself between me and the males. I tried not to meet Connors eyes.

"I'm 647 years old, but five hundred of those years were spent in a dungeon beneath us, I believe you call it dungeon 13? I've only been out for two years, so I am a bit confused about everything, but I'm re-educating myself." My head stung in pain, I wobbled a tad. All the males in the room were staring at me in disbelief, but my eyesight was getting blurry. I held my hand to my forehead, warm. Shit.

"Sorry- I, I think I need to go rest." I stumbled out of the room, Rowan rushing after me.

"Are you okay?" Rowan asked, grabbing my wrist, the old burn marks on my wrists, ankles and throat burning worse than they had since my last heat. Connor came out of the office as well, as our eyes met I knew he understood. I pulled my arm back from Rowan.

"D-don't touch me." The stuttering came from pain and not fear for once. I felt my knees buckle a bit, and I started moving back towards my room again. Then I felt myself get picked up, but the smell wasn't Rowans. I fuzzily heard Rowan growl, and Connor say: "Don't worry. I'm not attracted to my childhood best friends mother." Abel's little face was the last thing I saw before passing out.


The alpha was passing out, and her hair was turning lighter by the second, her skin going even paler, and her facial scars faintly showing. I marched over to a bathroom I knew had a bathtub. I kicked the door open and placed her in the tub, turning back to lock the door. I looked at her, now looking like she used to, just thinner, her hair was snow white, and I knew if her eyes to open they would be blood red. I held my breath and prayed she was wearing something under the sweater as I started struggling it off her, thankfully there was a tank top underneath, and I could see bra straps. I started pouring ice cold water into the tub, and then sat back next to the tub, and looked at her for real. Saw the scars, the burn marks and carvings in her skin. She was always covering her arms and neck when I was a child, but i now saw her skin was fully covered with them. It hurt to see her like this, but our people would be ecstatic. Suddenly, Ethenn gasped and looked at me, her eyes red.

"You're alive." We both huffed at the same time.