Letter H

To: the.casgomezagmail.com

Subject: Letter H

Do you remember our senior high retreat? Where Father Chris asked us to write a simple message to all of our classmates. Any message will do as long as it's honest and personal. Unfortunately, we were no longer classmates so I can't actually give you a message. Although, I know I would do it even if it would cause some issue but I decided to hold myself back.

At that time, something hit me. I realized that I'm no longer part of your world like I used to. I realized that I don't know you like I used to know you.

That's probably why this confession became 5 years too late because of all the hold back running through my mind. You don't know how much will power I gathered to finally send all this to you and I'm happy that I finally did it. So, let this letter be the simple message you should have received from me during our retreat.

Thank you.

I'm thankful for knowing you. I'm thankful for our laughs. I'm thankful for your kindness. I'm thankful for our memories. Thank you, Cassius Gomez.

Please know that I'm proud of you. You are stronger and braver than you thought you are. You are more than your past, so don't let that hold you back. Don't let other people drag you down because I know how passionate you are with your dreams. Keep doing what you love and I'll always be here for you no matter what.

Keep being the funny, smart, and gentleman person you are. Please always choose to be happy. That's what I always pray for– your genuine happiness because that's what you deserve.

Thank you for letting me know what love is. Thank you for being a great lesson for me. Lastly, I'm thankful for being once part of your life.

Thank you for letting me in.


The girl who is thankful for you