Letter I

To: the.casgomezagmail.com

Subject: Letter I

You finally updated your profile picture.

You both look ecstatic… Happily in love.

She looks gorgeous. I hope she gives you joy and contentment. I hope she listens to your stories and rants. I hope she supports your dreams.

I'm not gonna lie, I did cry when I saw your photos with her. My therapist told me that it was good to cry it all out instead of bottling it in. So I did cry. I cried my eyes out as I stare at your photos. I wept as I slowly break my heart again. Finally, I had gathered all the guts and got determined that this will be the last time I'll ever cry my eyes out because of you.

I'm getting close Cassius. I'll taking my foot forward then the next thing you know I'll finally be out of your world. I'm slowly starting to lose things to say to you. No more bottled feelings. No more hidden pain. No hopeful thoughts.

A simple message for your girlfriend, Please stay by Cassius' side. May not be always but let him know that you are always with him no matter what. Love him with all your heart because that's what he deserve. He loves his fries a little soggy so if ever you cook him some fries that's something you should know. He likes having a piece or two of candies on his pocket to snack on from time to time. Please be patient with him he sometimes struggle opening up because he's scared of opening past wounds and baggage but he'll eventually do. I haven't met you yet but I know that you're a nice woman you're both lucky to have each other. I'm wishing both happiness and success!

I cannot I'm saying this after 5 whole years but I'm genuinely happy for you. You have the woman of your dreams in your dream country.


The girl who is happy for you